Aldin nodded. For whatever else he could say of the man who was to be their handler, at least it seemed he'd taken the time to learn the details behind them. Whether that was something he could find trustworthy or not was yet to be seen, though for now, at least, he would have to rely on it. "[color=8882be]Very well, then.[/color]" The swordsman turned taking the time to read through the jobs on offer. He had very little knowledge of magitek, and plenty of history dealing with the sorts of small tasks plaguing villages, however, something about the third task was of particular note to him. The truth was, he'd dealt with monstrosities more than once, both witnessing his mother deal with them as a child, and facing them down on his time as a mercenary. It may not have been common for him, but if they were desperate as they said with that, then it was something that he would need to throw his hat in for. "[color=8882be]Once you've assembled your team for this 'Necropolis' assignment, call for me, I'll go along for it.[/color]" He spoke, confident that even if their handler had left, that there was some means of observing them. He then turned, following the instructions to head to the infirmary. Upon reaching the marked room, he held out a hand, knocking on the door three times, loudly enough to be heard, but not enough as to cause a fuss. "[color=8882be]Aldin Rei here, may I enter?[/color]"