Cedar's expression boggled for a second, before changing to a somewhat worried expression. "[color=7bcdc8]Wai.. wut? But yas... an' is jus' you an' me in da hall...[/color]" he stammered, before leveling out and refocusing his thoughts. "[color=7bcdc8]Ya aint plannin' on ROBBIN' me is ya? I ain't got nutin' really wort' stealin' nohow. Purdy much jus da clothes on muh skin. Why ya gots at disguise up fer? An' why ya stealin' from hones' folk fer? Mos' jus' barely gittin' by. Life hard fer jus' 'bout e'rybody ya know?[/color]" He shrugged. "[color=7bcdc8]Why I's 'ere? Wit' all 'ese people?[/color]" He looked distant for a moment. "[color=7bcdc8]well... As kin'a compl'cated. Apparently, "It a crime" ta keeps an eye on the fellar as lives in at great big stone house, when tryin' ta keep 'im safe. I was all lockted up fer a whole week, an' beat with a stick, wit'out food. Real not nice peoples-- I's only le' ou' by at Matilda lady-- Rush' straig' in, and den straig' out. Da village near where I's lives be in real dang'r if'n war break out. I's comes mos'ly fer 'em, e'en if they ain't the nices' ta me. I dun wan' muh home burned any more an' they does. As fer how I's foun' out? Well... As a LONG convr'sation. Ya sure ya in fer it?[/color]"