[i]“[color=f7941d]Thanks so so so [b]so[/b] much! I was [b]so[/b] sure she was going to die! So, uh, you guys are digimon, right? What are your names?[/color]”[/i] Piximon rolled her eyes. It figured: her brother tried to be nice and explain things, and all he got for it was more questions. Some... very accusatory questions too. She shifted the digivices in her arms, as if her small frame could hide them from view. And then an absolutely ridiculous request. What even was a Jesus? She glanced at Marineangemon to tell him not to bother when she noticed. Her brother was crying. He had put up with a lot and hadn’t cried through any of it. He hadn’t even cried when his heart marking scarred, giving it the permanent look of an unevenly-broken heart. Was it just too much at once? Was it the needle that broke the Unimon’s back? Piximon didn’t know and didn’t care. “Alright, back up,” she shouted as she dove between Marineangemon and the jacketed human, trying to wave her spear (an endeavor rapidly given up when it and the digivices nearly sent her spinning). “We don’t owe [b]any[/b] of you a single damn thing so why don’t you lay off, huh? Bro was just trying to be nice, so how about the lot of you use your brains and figure some stuff out on your own, yeah? We aren’t your babysitters, we were just passing by!” A bit of a lie, but only a bit of one. Truly, if it hadn’t been for the digivices she was jostling during her speech, the two of them would’ve been gone by now having sated her curiosity. She was going to add more when she felt Marineangemon’s arm touch her shoulder. She turned to see him wiping his face. “Sis... sorry for worrying you. I’m okay, I just remembered something was all.” He tried to smile, which looked a little strained. Piximon grumbled and floated back to the side, trying to figure out what in Yggdrasil’s name he’d remembered. Marineangemon cleared his throat, eyes still wet. “So, one at a time.” His look to May was shy. “We’re... I’m Marineangemon. She’s Piximon. We hatched out of the same egg, you see. She’s just looking out for me-” “Wouldn’t have to if you looked out for yourself.” “The rest of your questions... Most of them are kinda philosophical. It may be best to ask your partner when they arrive. But I can explain one reason we know of humans - when things get bad for us, but it needs a light touch to fix, the Sovereigns usually summon humans over. They’re the gods of this world. But that’s just not possible this time.” He looked to Dante. “You also asked why. If I really had to guess the why, it’s to bring back the Sovereigns. They... went missing.” He could feel Piximon’s eyes on his back, probably mentally cursing him for leaving out [b]who[/b] had made them vanish. “I was being honest earlier - I really don’t know who summoned you, if it wasn’t the Sovereigns. As for your partners, I once more really don’t know. I imagine they must be around here, though. Partnered digimon in legend always make their way to the humans, sooner rather than later.” And then there was that request for help. Marineangemon traced the edge of his holy ring - wanting protection was a fair concern, just not one he could grant. Well, maybe not the way they wanted, but he could afford them a different kind of protection. “Um, Bro?” Piximon began as Marineangemon pushed up at his holy ring. “You know we should get - Marineangemon!” She sounded absolutely scandalized as he removed the holy ring over his head and tossed it towards Damien and Friimon. “We really can’t stay, we are serious about that. He’ll miss us if we’re gone too long. But that ring can be wielded by your partner, to tell if another digimon has ulterior motives for you. Probably won’t work on humans. It’s the best I can do.” His neck felt cold and bare without the comforting metal ring, but what more could be asked of him? Well, besides the DoKunemon, whose questions he’d purposefully saved for last. He floated a bit back from May, facing the DoKunemon. “And as for you - I don’t think there’s a base. There might be a wise mentor, but she’s actually quite young. Most of what we know about humans came from her studies. She mentioned the device linking digimon and human partners, which...” He looked at Piximon, who was mouthing ‘no’ repeatedly, before facing the humans. “Which I think we have. “And we’re not giving them back.” There was a second or two before two heart-shaped bubbles popped into existence, one around Marineangemon and one around Piximon. Piximon’s bubble barely muffled her yell: “[i]DAMMIT, MARINEANGEMON.[/i]” “We need them more. Please try to understand,” Marineangemon finally concluded from the safety of his bubble shield.