[hider] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/950890829529088000/1043756004577382450/Lady_Ariella_Edwards_1.png[/img] [/center] [color=SlateBlue]Name:[/color] Lady Ariella Edwards [color=SlateBlue]Age:[/color]24 [color=SlateBlue]Gender:[/color] Female [color=SlateBlue]Appearance[/color] [color=SlateBlue]Height:[/color] 5'2 [color=SlateBlue]Weight:[/color] 130 lbs [color=SlateBlue]Eye Color: [/color] Violet eyes [color=SlateBlue]Hair Length/Texture:[/color] Long, down to the base of her back. Natural waves and curls [color=SlateBlue]Hair Color:[/color]Fire red [color=SlateBlue]Skin Color:[/color] Pale [color=SlateBlue]Facial details(freckles, moles, etc): [/color]Freckles over her face, arms and chest. She has hidden scars from her venturing into the woods as a child. [color=SlateBlue]Distinguishing features:[/color] Her natural beauty, vibrant green eyes against her pale skin, and bright fire red hair. [color=SlateBlue]Clothing Preferences: [/color] If you were to ask Ariella alone with no one watching or listening then she'd tell you that she would much rather wear as little as possible. She hates wearing shoes and stockings and prefers to feel her toes in the plush grass. However, if her mother is around then she prefers whatever looks to most expensive. Her clothing needs to be made of the finest silks and fabrics. [color=SlateBlue]Psychology[/color] [color=SlateBlue]Likes:[/color] Nature Being barefoot Chocolate Affection and attention Romance Novels Fairytales Singing [color=SlateBlue]Dislikes: [/color] Sad endings Shoes and stockings Her parents, but you'll likely never know that Disappointing people [color=SlateBlue]Sexuality: Heterosexual[/color] [color=SlateBlue]Hobbies:[/color] Singing Reading Shopping [color=SlateBlue]Life Goals/Dreams:[/color] To find a rich husband, one with stature and power to make her family proud. Her life goals and dreams is to simply make her parents proud of her, even if it means sacrificing any other needs or wants. [color=SlateBlue]Personality Summary:[/color] Ariella is a complicated person. On the surface, she can appear vain. She is constantly touching up her appearance, trying to make sure she looks her best. No fabric should be out of place, no shine on her nose, really anything that she can control over her looks she will. Many of her event preparations take hours if not a week with planning new looks, and makeup styles and keeping up with the latest fashions. She comes off as confident and bold with her words. Sometimes like her brother she can rub people the wrong way with her bluntness. However, anyone who can see past this would come to find it's a defense tactic and not truly who she is. In private, when she is spending time alone normally surrounded by nature, she is generally wearing very little with her feet in the dirt/sand or snow. She really is her true self in nature. She becomes humble, kind, and soft-spoken. She doesn't need to pretend or put on a show, she can just be Ari. [color=SlateBlue]Background:[/color] [color=SlateBlue]Current occupation:[/color] None, she is a lady. [color=SlateBlue]Any past occupations?:[/color] None [color=SlateBlue]Relatives: [/color]Duke Gideon Edwards (Father), Duchess Victoria Edwards (Mother), Lady Priscilla-Rue Edwards (Sister) ,Kieran Finnian Edwards (brother) [color=SlateBlue]Skills:[/color] Ability to hold a conversation, sharp tongue, and Outdoor survival skills. [color=SlateBlue]History Summary:[/color] Ari was born to a tavern woman who was poor by birth. Her father Duke Gideon Edwards had spent one night with her mother leaving her with a coin to keep quiet. However, her mother fell pregnant with her and sadly passed away during childbirth. Duke Gideon Edwards was unable to let the child die so he brought her home to his small daughter and son. Ariella, behind closed doors, was made aware of her unfortunate situation. Having become the Dutchess doll that she would tote around and show off not daring to give the impression of what was really going on. Ariella was generally forgotten and cast aside. The only thing that saved her was her natural beauty. Unlike her sister she was blessed with beauty from her mother and the Dutchess would constantly claim Ariella to be hers when it suited her. Ariella grew up constantly seeking love and affection from her parents, knowing that she was born of another woman she wanted to ensure her place and please her mother's need to dress her up and parade her around. As the years went on she fell into a habit and became almost a spitting image of the Dutchess in so many ways. Over the years Ariella only really felt at peace when she was allowed her days off. She would venture into the woods and stay there from dusk till dawn and sometimes even fall asleep along the riverbanks. She would spend so much time in the woods she memorized the layouts and knew the best places to rest. She create small little shelters where she would hide her fancy outfits and change into more simple attires as if passing through a veil to another world where she could be herself. Now as she has grown to age, her mother is insistent she finds a husband. Wanted her to secure the one whose stature and money would bring great status to the family name and to her. Wanting nothing more than to please her mother she agreed to do her duty and find her a husband that she could love and who would love her. However, Ariella is very naive when it comes to love. She will fall in love and out of love quickly, not really knowing what love really is. Having only her parents as her role models, the love she seeks is simply a superficial one, but maybe unknowingly she will fall in love for real. Whatever is in store for her, she will do anything she can to make her mother and father proud. [color=SlateBlue]Questionnaire[/color] Did you grow up nurtured or neglected?: [color=SlateBlue]" What a silly question, Do you not see what I am wearing? My Mother and Father are very nurturing. I have the best outfits and handmaids and I am on a very restrictive diet to make sure I keep my figure. "[/color] When you were upset, where was your sanctuary?: [color=SlateBlue]" Why would I tell you that? Firstly, A lady never gets upset. However, if I were to seek solace somewhere, well that is for me to know. It wouldn't be much of a sanctuary if everyone knew about it." [/color] What were you like in your teenage years?: [color=SlateBlue]" Like any other teen, I suppose. Crazy about boys, clothing and appearance. I suppose nothing has really changed over the years." [/color] How close are you to your parents? [color=SlateBlue]" Why such personal questions, I don't even know you"[/color] Do you have any trauma that haunts you?: [color=SlateBlue]" Again, I must ask why such personal questions, I don't even know you." [/color] What advice would you give your younger self?: [color=SlateBlue]" Yellow is not your color" [/color] Were you an obedient child or defiant?: [color=SlateBlue]" Obedient, I would never do anything to intentionally hurt anyone." [/color] What is your biggest regret?: [color=SlateBlue]" I don't have any, regrets would mean you did something wrong. " [/color] Romance Have you ever been in love? : [color=SlateBlue]" I think so, there were a lot of cute boys in our court. They were all very handsome." [/color] What is most important in a partner to you? Describe your dream partner.: [color=SlateBlue]" Someone of status and money of course. He should be able to provide for our future children."[/color] How do you display affection? What is your love language?: [color=SlateBlue]" Displays of affection are not ladylike. I wouldn't do anything to bring a scandal to my family name. What a silly question. " [/color] Have you had your first kiss? What was it like?: [color=SlateBlue]"Of course not." [/color] Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?: [color=SlateBlue]" Yes, I fall in love all the time with men I see. I don't know why I do that is just love. I wish to have something like my parents."[/color] What does marriage mean to you?: [color=SlateBlue]" It is a union where two houses may come together for a common goal. To have children and bring a name for our family." [/color] Are you currently crushing on anyone?: [color=SlateBlue]" Oh heavens no. Not yet anyway." [/color] Do you ever consider having children in the future?: [color=SlateBlue]" Yes, Of course. This is my purpose in life." [/color] [/hider]