[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/aUgvyiS.png?2[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7lhjQiO.png?1[/img][/center][hr] [h3][b]Velles 5th[/b][/h3] [color=gold][b]Location:[/b][/color] Torragonese Desert - The Dragon: Burdensome Beasts [color=gold][b]Day of the week:[/b][/color] Taldes [color=gold][b]Characters:[/b][/color] Ayla [@Ti], Zarina [@YummyYummy] Isabella [@Pantothenic], Jocasta [@Force and Fury], Marceline Nazih [@Ziegenkonig] [hr] Desmond sat upon his Halassa in a very relaxed manner, he was facing off the right side of the Halassa as one leg was crossed over the other as he looked off into the vast expanse of the desert. He and Velani already spoke decently enough of their approach. Sabotage is low on their priority, amongst the 2 of them their goal is to defend and make their way across the finish line, one much faster than the other. Desmond he is curious in actually searching for specific items, loot, and other things, Velani not as much. As Velani was off making water to fill their canteens, Desmond sat upon his Halassa thinking. In his thought he seemed to shift in uncomfort from his new clothing, it was large clothes and garbs meant to cover every inch of him from the sun while trapping moisture, it was an uncomfortable feeling, almost counterintuitive to the survival tactics he was taught as a magusjeager from the colder climates, however, this is a different environment, so he needed to dress as such. He adjusted his body, he shifted some of the clothes, some items strewn across him, and even seemingly something underneath his clothing. As he waited, thinking about why he was here, what he was doing, and why would he even care for a box and keeping it out of the hands of other countries, he heard a yell from behind as his covered head turned to see Ismette and Miret had made it through their round, and now it was their turn. [H3][color=Gold]Here Be Froabas[/color][/h3] As they covered the many open distance of the desert, Desmond had faced off against and deterred the many attacks that had been aimed at him. He used much of his magic to guide and control his Halassa. Yet the one he could not handle was the one that came above, as when a Froabas came swooping down, his Halassa had hunkered down as many people tried to use this time to knock each other off. Desmond and Velani had prepared to defend themselves as Velani made shields to protect them from other attacks as once they were able to move they kept going, as next came an area that would be where the pair would go their separate ways. [H3][color=Gold]Into the Depths[/color][/h3] As Desmond and Velani reached the caves, Desmond and her made chemical compositions that can burn for light for her, While Desmond used Arcane to create light for him to see. As her5e was a place that would be a place that would be a difficult place to guide the Halassa, however it was perfect for searching for treasures and goodies. As Desmond was not as lucky to find rare treasures, no gold, no silver, no special weapon, no he found a lone Dragon egg. A smile crossed his face as he kinetically lifted it up and took it into his grasp before he headed off through the tunnel system before he continued off into the [H3][color=Gold]Gilded Fruit[/color][/h3] Once Desmond and Velani exited the tunnel system, they found themselves not far from each other as they both charged through to the large cactus with the Golden Prickly Pears. As once they made it to the bottom of the cactus, they provided support to each other, Desmond used kinetic magic to try and pluck 2 fruits for him and Velani while she supports him and protects him from this very oblivious area of sabotage. As once they both had hold of their fruit they both began to race off throwing some magic behind them to deter others from trying to attack at them again. [H3][color=Gold]An Up Hill Battle[/color][/h3] Desmond and Velani challenged the climb together, as his RAS was too low for him to challenge it by himself. Velani used her Binding to make more solid places for their Halassas to step while Desmond played defense, throwing attacks at those who were trying to throw them off and using magnetic to keep himself and Velani attached to their Halassas. Instead of trying to harass others, they both pushed on to try and secure higher spots in the race. [H3][color=Gold]One Last Push[/color][/h3] As the last leg of the race was completely flat terrain that was a battlefield, spells were slung, people went flying, as Halassa went mad. Desmond and Velani knew the best course was to keep to themselves and play defensive in this fight. That did not mean others did not try to fight them. As Attacks were thrown, Desmond was outpowered here, but not outmatched. He could not counter the attacks directly, he needed to stop them from attacking, forcing them to flinch, or even just stopping them before they were ever able to attack. Desmond used quick flashes, kinetic jabs, and electric shocks to force people to flinch from their planned attacks. Velani played stalwart defense as she made barriers when it came time and caught their Halassas when it came to it, which was the sole reason Desmond was not sent back to the start of this last leg from Zarina trying to sabotage him. Yet through it all, even when Desmond did not come first, he felt as if he had a fun time, he had found some interesting things. He was able to protect the Dragon egg he found, he was able to participate in a race that he has heard multiple times about but never was able to view before, and now he has some interesting stories to talk about. As Soon enough he dismounted and gave many pets to his mount before he was approached by Zarina for an interesting proposition.