[@Cyrania] Ashevelen looked behind her as she walked, making sure Gwyn was always behind her. There were traps in these caverns and some might be more dangerous than others. She did notice that Gwyn studied her face a bit and thought she's going to ask about it, yet she didn't. "[color=yellow] In case you're wondering about the mask. Let's just say that some people aren't very friendly to my kind or view me suspiciously from the get-to. [/color]" half-lied Ashe behind her back. There was some truth in what she said but not all of it. People were after her and the reach the new brothel owner who now, if the rumours were to be believed, owns more than just the brothel, was big enough to warrant precautions to be taken even in different countries. Eventually arriving in the other room, Ashe looked around at the hieroglyphs and shook her head. "[color=yellow] Another riddle. Great. Salty threshold..hmm, by best guess is water, sea water. A cup of it. [/color]"