[Center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLmI2ZmRmZi5RbWxoYm1OaElGTmphRzVsWlEsLC4w/shallot-trial.regular.webp[/img] [i][b][color=powderblue]Mentions:[/color][/b] [@Ambra], [@Solace], [@Serei2477], [@LuckyBlackCat], [@King Cosmos][/i][/center] [color=powderblue]"Looks like they u-underestimated how many of us are h-here."[/color] Bianca spoke up as the hybrid pokemon and their masters fled for the hills. She felt no sympathies for them, but this only gave the group even more questions. Weiss smugly waved the thugs goodbye before floating over to comfort Iris. This was [i]her[/i] base of operations after all. Her town and people. The froslass patted the ghost type trainer's back, giving her a sympathetic look. Bianca glanced over to each person who spoke an inquiry. [color=powderblue]"I-I believe the rest of us got lucky. Overwhelmed t-them we did."[/color] She answered Hestia first, giving her a sympathetic smile as Lazuli was recalled into his pokeball. She would've tossed her one of her potions, but she didn't know how well it'd help. The ice type trainer then answered Astrid, crossing her arms in thought. [color=Powderblue]"Hybrids. O-Or fusions, either way. Nidokings and Nidoqueens with the bodies of Arcanines. T-That must be why a fire type move manages to be that s-strong against a dragon."[/color] As she offered her hypothesis, she was sending the photo of the mentioned hybrid pokemon to her father, telling him what happened. Then to one of the other gym leaders who was busy elsewhere. Hopefully they were doing better... Iris answered Sebastien before her, though that still got her thinking. [color=powderblue]"Seems strange that they'd attack a whole t-town just to send a warning. Unless t-they're that stupid..."[/color] Bianca sighed. [color=powderblue]"Unless this was to c-cause a distraction. For what, I don't know. But it's e-either that or, hell, they j-just wanted to take the hybrids on a test run. We'll just have to f-figure it out later. For now..."[/color] Shaking her head, Bianca called Weiss back into her pokeball and walked up to Hestia. [color=powderblue]"Let's get Lazuli to a Pokemon Center."[/color] She was sure that bad of a wound the Salamence took will scar its wing. Wasn't the first time she saw something like that happen to a pokemon.