[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/88KWNj5/OTbanner.png[/img] [sup]____________________________________________________[/sup] [color=FFC6C6][u]Level[/u]: [b]7[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 165/70[/color] [color=2e2c2c]------[/color] [color=BC8DBF][u]Level[/u]: [b]5[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 40/50[/color] [color=gray]𝙱𝙿[/color] [color=gold]●[/color][color=gray]●●●●[/color] [color=2e2c2c]----------------------------[/color] [color=gray]𝙱𝙿[/color] [color=gold]●[/color][color=gray]●●●●[/color] [color=lightgray]Word Count: 1101 (+2 exp) [b]Location[/b]: The Under - the Chasm, Ruins[/color][/center] Therion had shifted back into human form after some gloating, and then they were off - following after Ms. Fortune as she led the way to the cartographer. Which, ultimately, led to the thief parting with some of his money in exchange for a map. He grumbled about it, but didn't plan to hold the feral to her promise. Then again he also wasn't going to tell her not to worry about it, because if she wanted to pay him back he wouldn't say no. [color=BC8DBF]"A compass, huh,"[/color] Therion said. He'd have to let Primrose know that his initial thought about swiping one was right. He didn't pull the item out from his bag until Cornifer had went on his way just in case. He hadn't stolen this compass from the bug man's wife (at least he didn't think so), but he had definitely stolen it. Once Nadia and Jesse came over to look he produced the compass, comparing it to the rather rudimentary map he'd bought. When Sectonia flew over as well to crowd them, Therion hunkered down into his poncho after marking the map with a very simple compass rose. [color=BC8DBF]"Better than nothing I guess,"[/color] he said. Once everyone had gotten their fill of looking at the small map of the ruins, he tucked it away. As for what they had to talk about, Therion didn't think it was a lot - they just had to pick a direction and go. Pretty simple as far as he was concerned. [color=BC8DBF]"We shouldn't over think this,"[/color] he said. [color=BC8DBF]"Unless we were planning to divide and conquer, all we have to do is pick a path."[/color] They had enough numbers that splitting up wouldn't be the worst idea, but he didn't lean one way or the other on that point. If this were Orsterra, or any other world that followed familiar logic, he might have suggested it. But it wasn't, so it might be for the best that the large group tore through the underground as one noisy but well-prepared unit. And for the path they should choose, Therion didn't have an opinion on that either. At the moment he was sort of resigned to being pointed toward something and told, "go, fetch," his earlier irritation fading - though not quite gone. So it didn't matter what direction they went, as long as they didn't waste a lot of time getting there. At this point, an obstacle did appear. That man that had been following the group, a straggler who seemed lost and confused more than anything and with no name to address him by, had jumped into the pit to tail them. In doing so he'd woken up a rather large bug which began rampaging around. It was focused on the Adventurer now, but it would be a pain to avoid if they didn't do something about it now. Luckily, this obstacle did not last long - the most recent person to travel down into the cavity was the newly freed king of evil, who handily took care of it. Looking over the group gathered together at the bottom of the cavity, which at some point included Omori and the Knight, Therion couldn't help but notice that both so called "guides" were here yet not all of the Seekers were. If they actually were going to split up, it would be nice to know. Maybe let the others copy the map while they were at it. [color=BC8DBF]"...rest of them still exploring up there?"[/color] the thief inquired, leveling his question at Ganondorf who had been the last to descend. [hr] "Up there," Primrose found herself in a misty forest, devoid of life. As she stepped into the area, the fog washed over her and cast her in monochrome light, draining the color of her clothes. It was dreary, but more than that the area was... discomforting. The deathly stillness was one thing, but when combined with the all obscuring fog, the buzz of what she imagined was insects high above her, and the blurry silhouettes of imitation trees it made for a very surreal and off-putting place. The fog was also not so much fog as it was a sort of fuzzy blanket, or so it appeared to her. The dancer walked slowly, wrapping her arms around herself. Through the constant dull droning, the rustling of robes came from behind her. Joined by another of the Seekers, Primrose glanced at Rubick as he stepped up to join her in looking around. He had his staff held in front of him, prepared for danger. [color=D34C25]"Expecting trouble so soon?"[/color] she asked the mage. Honestly she didn't blame him, given not only the Seekers' track record but the experience so far in the Under. Ambushed twice already, and it hadn't even been half a day. She turned the palm of her hand up and produced a flame, attempting to burn off some of the fog around them. It did little to help, lending credence to the thought that this area was under some kind of... enchantment, for lack of a better word. It certainly didn't feel natural at all. They went on a little more, their careful, measured steps not taking them far before they were joined by the Koopa Troop. Kamek stated that he didn't sense any magics, and though Rubick hadn't said one way or the other Primrose thought that if he [i]had[/i] sensed anything, he would have exclaimed it so like he had with Ganondorf's power. Either way, the lack of any powerful spell around them put Primrose at ease somewhat. One less thing to worry about. The Koopas also went about setting torches and deploying their scouting abilities to get a better sense of the area. [color=D34C25]"A good idea,"[/color] the dancer commented. She added one more scout to the mix, summoning the Makami. It wouldn't hurt to have an animal's keen nose to go along with Kamek's magic motes and Rika's tech, even if it wouldn't last as long as them since it was a striker. She sent the wolf spirit out into the mist, watching it's body twist through the air. [color=D34C25]"Bark if you find anything, but howl if it's danger,"[/color] she told it. Now that the Koopa Troop had caught up to Rubick and herself, and Bowser had finished his explanation of what he thought the sound above them was, Primrose turned to them and the chameleon mage. [color=D34C25]"How far shall we go?"[/color] she asked, [color=D34C25]"I had intended to only look around a little while they went to see about a map, though I'm unsure how useful a map would be in this place."[/color]