[center][img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210131/53a200cc81a754fbfea32363291eca9d.png [/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent][color=gray][sub][right][color=92278f][b]Location:[/b][/color]The City of Thorinn, Aetheria[/right][/sub][/color] [hr]Seele was still blinking the light from Artemis’s spell out of her eyes when she heard the whistle. Combined, they shattered her focus, and she felt her hold on the [color=LightCyan]Anchor[/color] slip away. Graves was blessedly and horrifyingly silent; she doubted he was a danger any longer, restrained or not, but she also worried that he was still terribly wounded. Her vision returned slowly and hazily, and she could just make him out, lying there in a splattering of his own blood—but he was breathing. Everyone was breathing. She exhaled. [i]Now[/i] everyone was breathing. The fatigue hit her hard. She hadn’t had much reason to break her Shackles since the first day of the Glitch, and it felt a bit like she’d tried to lift heavy weights on her first day back to the gym. If there was such a thing as a [i]‘magic muscle’[/i], she’d definitely pulled it. But, now wasn’t the time to whine; they’d managed to swerve clear of an iceberg, only to steer themselves right into Hurricane Lendie. Seele knew her, the woman had as much patience for crime as she did for repeating herself. She wanted to check on Sif and Siegfried, and hearing poor Artemis so broken was killing her, but there wasn't time, yet. Quickly and obediently, she took the parasol from her hip and tossed it to the ground—not a real weapon, per se, but it might have easily been perceived as one. With a flick of her wrist, her focal rings retreated up into her sleeves. Rubbing her eyes one last time, she approached the captain of the guard with her hands open. “[color=92278f]Captain Everrandis,[/color]” she said, forcing composure into her voice. “[color=92278f]My name is Seele, I’m with the Drox Fraternity. We're a...party, you could say. Our friend on the ground there is sick, and confused. We had to restrain him, but he’s been hurt and needs healing. Would you let us do that, please?[/color]”[/indent][/indent][/indent]