Here is my own character! [b]Name:[/b] Gwen Thompson [b]House:[/b] [color=fff200]Hufflepuff[/color] [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Familiar:[/b] Jasper, a black cat with green eyes [b]Patronus:[/b] Tonkinese Cat [b]Looks:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Favorite Class:[/b] Potions [b]Base Personality:[/b] Gwen is the kind of kid you can hear a mile away but you don't run in the opposite direction. Always with something witty up her sleeve, she takes magic by the reins and goes all in. Potions is her favorite, she has an entire row of books on it in her room, and Jasper's water bowl looks like a beaker. Learning is her favorite hobby- aside from Netflix with her cat of course. She loves muggle games and TV, but understand the balance between the wizarding world, and the muggle world. She always tells herself that she doesn't want to be too sucked into either one because they are both far to fun. [b]Extra Information:[/b] Pureblood. Her height stands at around 5'5". Though a bit sporty, she has always been a bit nervous to try out for the Quidditch team. Her twin brother Lance attends Hogwarts and was sorted into Gryffindor. Her wand is made of Ashwood, with a dragon heartstring core and the length is 15 1/5".