16: Another one based on Raiden From MGR (Nier Automata, gave me an idea and great game btw) Name: Maxi Angel Jones. Code Name: Azrael by US marines and by his best friend. A8 by his peers Nickname: Angel of Death Age: unknown Likes: VR training, being organised, keeping on top of things. Dislikes: people, confrontation, missions without stealth. Personality: Cold and Dark Abilities: Similar to Zephr's, but can summon a hollow gram where he can see the faces of his peers and communicate real time with movements. Weapons: Virtuous Contract and Engine Blade. No pods. Other: He was kidnapped by one of the Yorha Units to be turned into an android like them after being weakened by one. Bio: Maxi was the last human to be born on earth in the year 11926. When he was younger his parents got killed by a few thugs and this is what made him go to the military. When he signed up, he knew exactly what he was getting into. He started as a child soldier, and under the tuition of Snake, who then became his adoptive father. He also enjoyed killing at such a young age and he lived for the thrill of it. Instead of working together with US marines, he was given direct order's from the Colonel to go a series of stealth missions. He also used VR training to hone his skills. His adoptive father's partner, Amelia Emmerich assisted him in missions, in which he completed, in quiet a success. Knowledge of guns also helped him as well. When the year, 11945 came around, he was sent to a country on earth where other worldly invaders were in a war with YorHA androids as well as the resistance. The communications were cut off so he can never get help from his adoptive father or Amelia. He did his best to stay hidden, quiet and used his skills against androids. But it was no use, as the machines and YorHA Units were stronger. He tried using guns, and also making them faint as well. None worked out. As he was occupied fending for himself, a female YorHA android hugged him, and used her pod to shoot him. He lost the battle. As the light in his eyes faded, he then regained the light back, but was completltly different. His body was new, and had some traces of humanity left in him. However, his human buddies assumed him dead, held a funeral for him. But his adoptive father refused to believe that. His orders came from Commander White, who was his new master and was teamed with 2B and 9S but, assumed to work alone and went off his way. Commander White hated his arrogance, but let him do as he wish and should he get hurt, it's on him. Whilst under the command of Commander White, he took on assignment and excelled at them with such ferocity and speed. He showed no mercy to those who were evil and cannot be understood. However, he felt sympathetic towards innocent robots and androids a like. He is cursed and is to live on forever like this. Human: [img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/EdcqPR3iEyyep21mV7fCyxtn7rE3UBTcae1LLpXbzPA/rs:fit:1200:1050:1/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9leHRl/cm5hbC1wcmV2aWV3/LnJlZGQuaXQvNlB2/bkw2cUVmWllMdGwy/ekdyWlYyb3pDOTBZ/bnk2emtHUUE4d1Bj/V2JlOC5qcGc_YXV0/bz13ZWJwJnM9NWQw/M2Q0OWI2MTJhNDhk/ZmE5NzU0YmFiODhj/M2M4MDBjMmFiZjM3/Ng[/img] Android: [img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/EMGke8kEXxT38wnEFoq6gR1Ra2hNFp01iw4JRCpKu4I/rs:fit:780:575:1/g:ce/aHR0cDovL29yaWcw/OC5kZXZpYW50YXJ0/Lm5ldC8xNmU1L2Yv/MjAxMy8zMTYvNi8y/L2dlYXJfbWV0YWxf/cmFpZGVuX2J5X25l/a3JvcGFjaS1kNnR6/OTlsLmpwZw[/img] [img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/_3d4JpvV35xntdD04yNc_6LTRabJ3cMEDEhQjKz_3VY/rs:fit:1024:594:1/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9pbWcw/MC5kZXZpYW50YXJ0/Lm5ldC9lYzA0L2kv/MjAxNC8yNzcvZC8x/L2Rlc3BlcmFkb19y/YWlkZW5fYnlfZGF2/aWRyaWtpLWQ4MW15/eXgucG5n[/img]