[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/oN268Zt.png[/img][/center] Smiling and bowing to the junior officer receiving them, Sindermann returned to within the stormbird, and soon emerged from it again, flanked by titans. Pounding down the landing ramp after him were the tank-like ceramic-armored figures of Astartes Legionnaires, each one seven feet tall or close to it. Four marched out, one after another, bolters slung and helms carried ceremoniously under their arms. The last of the four to emerge, Malgohurst, limped rather than marched proudly, and leaned on the golden standard of the Warmaster like a walking staff. The four Astartes made ranks in front of the landing ramp, and awaited the Warmaster. Then, he emerged. Like a moving mountain of metal and black ceramic plate, Horus Lupercal emerged in his panoply of war, the Serpent's Scales. He carried no weapons, not even his famed Talon of Horus, but was arrayed in heavy terminator plate armor all the same. He stomped out, proportionately larger to his Astartes warriors as they were to baseline humans, with Abadddon trailing behind him, seeming so much like his Primarch's miniature double. They marched silently through the corridors, following the lead of the attending officer. Loken caught sight of a few more officers scattered in the landing bay and halls, and noticed their similarity to one another. Far too close to be familial or ethno-genetic. "[color=9bc2b1]Look. Clones.[/color]" He said, low enough that only the men next to him could hear. Horus grunted in acknowledgement. Advanced genetic manipulation was a technology that Horus was more than familiar with. They eventually reached their destination, Horus shuffling sideways to fit his armored bulk through the door, and stood at their end of the conference hall, not bothering to test their weight against the clearly insufficient seating. "[color=9bc2b1]I hope I did not keep you waiting overly long. I am Warmaster Horus Lupercal.[/color]" He gestured with an armored hand to his company, "[color=9bc2b1]These are my Mournival, my most trusted military advisors.[/color]" [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Tga045P.png[/img][/center] Picard smiled and greeted O'Neill, returning his handshake warmly, "[color=ed1c24]General, a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Captain Jean-Luc Picard, of the Federation starship [i]Enterprise[/i].[/color]" Even if it was not their own Earth these people were from, it was still a relief to have fellow Earthlings as part of the delegation. "[color=ed1c24]These are my associates: my first officer, Commander William Riker, and ship's counselor Deanna Troi.[/color]" Will stepped forward to shake hands. "[color=ed1c24]I'm glad you appreciate the uniforms.[/color]" He gave them an infectious grin. "[color=ed1c24]They're a proud part of our heritage. Starfleet officers have worn these colors for nearly three-hundred years.[/color]" "[color=2b53a7]I think you would cut a striking figure in one, General.[/color]" Troi added, teasingly.