No it was perfect! Honestly gruesome vampire murders are mode my style anyways! I want my vampires to look like they just went through a spicy noodle mukkbang challenge rather than them appearing as if they had ultimate table manners at a five star restaurant lol See I just have a thing called "fear of giant death metal machines" that prevents me. I'm slowly getting over that though. Nah descriptions are the bread and butter of a writers skills! I'm all for it honestly! Sometimes though my imagination gets lazy and I just like tot have an image lmao I honestly can't remember what it came from if anything, but it's just nostalgic for me at this point! Haha fair enough! A spin can be a literal bar trick but in this sense it was referring to Alex putting her own ideas into this drink to make it more her own! Though now I am imagining her juggling the drinks and doing spin moves lmao