[h1][b][color=#dfc3a6]Luna Emeraltide[/color][/b][/h1] Luna of course did not demand Fra attend to their journey, and allowed her to stay at the cathedral. Regardless of her brief attempts at lifting up the timid thrall, Fra seemed resolute in her desire to be alone -perhaps even forgotten. Luna gave her farewell and bid her first thrall to keep safe. Though they had triumphed over the paladin in the end, the loss of Ilena had settled a caution in Luna that she had not felt since waking from the coffin. As measly as the stalking beasts seemed during their journey to the village, she couldn't help but wonder if the things here were of a considerably stronger nature than when she last walked the earth. Still, if a ramshackle village of mortals could persist, then surely the beasts were still only mere beasts. The state of the world was disheartening, albeit only slightly unexpected. With the condition that Alavaris was in, it seemed fitting that the human realm was similarly decayed. Humanity needed, she felt, their guidance and protection, now more than ever. She only hoped that their strength as vampires would be welcomed as a source of hope, and not resented as monsters like ages before. As much as she wished to speak on behalf of the group -never mind her enrapturing power- to no doubt skittish and wary humans, Luna made no complaint to Giselle's first approach. Folding her hands together, she watched and listened patiently. A wandering thought drifted into her mind; there was a time when her priesthood was well-known, and the traditional practice of treading the earth barefoot normal, but Luna wondered now if such practices or memories persisted in what remained of human civilization. She cast her eyes down. Though she no longer suffered from the aches and bruises of long journeys, her attire, never mind her comrade's attires, surely would alert the otherwise drab villagers. She only hoped that Giselle was tact enough to dissuade such fears.