[@VitaVitaAR] [hr] Defiance. The voices raged, swirling around her in a tempest of malice and hatred. It wanted her to stay. It wanted her. It wouldn’t accept any other outcome. The ground beneath Fio began to waver, the ground finally collapsing and [i]something[/i] grabbing her leg, trying to pull her down, to keep her here. Yet - It was not to be, not today at least. Something would grab her wrist, pulling her from the other direction. Briefly, she’d be dangling above the sea of hate and malice, as it roiled and bubbled beneath her until she was quickly pulled upwards, a calming, peaceful presence washing away the malice, and just in time as the warding sigils covering her body had nearly, almost, completely burned away. As she was pulled away from here, however, Fio would briefly get a look at something behind her. Dozens of arms was trying to pull themselves out of the muck and grime, but before she could see completely, she was finally pulled completely away from this realm. And she’d find herself falling once more. A shorter fall, thankfully, as she’d soon find herself being surprisingly gently landing on a pool of water. Getting to her feet, she was in some…odd realm again. Where was she? The malice was gone, Cethlann’s memories were nowhere to be seen. She was in an endless expanse of shallow, ankle deep water. The stars and various planets twinkled above, and in the distance she could see a structure of some sort reaching high into the sky. More immediately, though, Fio could a swirling vortex of water, gently, lazily, rhythmically spinning. In the middle of the swirling water, she could see a single entity. [url=https://i.imgur.com/RMXELBI.jpg]A girl dressed in a long, dark blue robe flecked with specks of white, ethereal looking rabbit ears protruding from her head.[/url] with short cut black hair and deep, dark blue eyes. She couldn’t be very old, and wasn’t much taller than Fio was. Looking at her made Fio sleepy for some reason. [color=7bcdc8]“Oh, good…you lived...”[/color] The voice that had been guiding her so far was this girls it seemed. It reverberated through the entire area, almost sounding as it was coming from everywhere at once. Somehow though, Fio got the distinct feeling the girl was somewhat disappointed. [color=7bcdc8]“What a terrible dream…but how exciting…maybe I’ll write it down to tell a story later…”[/color] The vortex of water slowled, eventually until it completely dissipated. The young woman would gaze at Fio with sleepy eyes from a distance, not deciding to approach. [color=7bcdc8]“Are you here to tell me more stories? Make more dreams for me? Maybe sing a lullaby?”[/color]