While their loss was a severe one, there was no further time to dwell upon it. Nor was there any reason to deny Fra's request to remain at the cathedral. It would be a shame for such a place to remain in a state of disrepair, after all. Indeed, in as much as things could be in order after the seeming loss of one of their number, Aleksiya felt now was the best time to move on and begin to cast a wider net. To deepen their understanding of the state of the world. While her heart was somewhat heavy, it was hard not to be amused by the sight of ragged beasts in the dark, prowling as if they had spotted their next prey item. Even in her weakened state, such creatures were nothing compared to her power, let alone the power of all of their number. She almost considered declaring that she would give them a little fear, before deciding it was best not to drill that understanding into them quite yet. Not until they had a more stable supply of higher-quality blood. Until they understood humanity's state in this world. Speaking of which, the dead beasts were far more intriguing then the live ones. Twisted canine-cervine abominations, antlered wolf-like beasts with limbs far too long for their bodies. Beyond was the only light for quite some time, atop a tall building surrounded by somewhat less impressive structures. Shameful. Humans were beneath her, certainly, but humans were still capable of far more then this. It was shameful to see such ramshackle housing. Aleksiya's dismayed expression was easily read. She had once commissioned resplendent works of art from humans. Her home was built by human architects. Her lands, indeed, were filled with similar structures. Thus this place was a sad sight in her eyes. On the other hand, it meant places where humans lived, where more suitable blood could be obtained, still existed. When Giselle strode forward to ask the villagers questions, Aleksiya improvised swiftly, clinging to her arm and putting on a somewhat frightened expression. It wasn't a ruse she necessarily intended to keep up, but for the moment the presence of a frightened child seemed likely to disarm them. [@Psyker Landshark][@Asuras][@Rune_Alchemist][@Pyromania99][@Click This]