Luna grabbed Sucaria's hand, to calm her a small bit through the discomfort she felt. "If you don't mind, we'd be happy to join you." Luna said before taking a seat with Sucaria. "I must say, we don't see many elves either in the Lightsword Domain nor Airedale. Glad to see you lot are at least happy to see me. My recent encounters with strangers have been at the end of a blade." The Knightess mentioned, recalling the recent encounter with bandits recently. "I wasn't too worried about that after I realized you all were watching." Luna mentioned, before admitted. "Though, at first my initial thought was to jump in to help. It's a dangerous world we live in after all. Besides, we have Rites of Battle back home similar to this. Though, it's usually sparring between recruits and they're nowhere near as skilled as... Lady Sarah, was it?" The human mentioned shaking her head. "Still, what is it that you seek help for? I can't promise help, but I'll do what I can." After asking her questions, she turned to Sucaria and spoke quietly, "Are you still feeling ill at ease?" She wasn't sure how good elven ears were, but she paid it no real mind. Sucaria tended to have good instincts and she didn't want her childhood friend to feel uncomfortable.