[center][h1][color=goldenrod]Francesca Varangian[/color][/h1][/center] After taking shelter into the tomb, Francesca focused largely on ensuring that they weren't being pursued. While she has no doubts that the bandits did not notice them, one can never be too careful of what sort of scouts they had, or if some other unrelated entity had spotted them. Thus Francesca was the last to join the others in the antechamber with the statues. Nothing here particularly rang out to the warrior, though she was surprised at the size of this place. "Huh. Bigger than I thought. Must be some sort of catacomb, and not a just a mere burial chamber." She still wasn't very excited at the idea of robbing this place however. Not just ethically, but also due to the potential dangers. They were already on a mission that would no doubt endanger them, she felt no reason for them to put themselves at risk chasing treasure. Such greed is often the end of many a cocky adventurers. However it doesn't seem like the rest of the group agreed. Most wanted to explore the catacombs, with Francesca the sole objector. She watched grimly as everyone investigated the area, dark thoughts seeping into her mind. Of course as the sole human here, she was more than aware that she fell very low on the power scale. She knew all too well what these others are capable of by virtue of their race alone. That should she be too open in opposing them, they could easily subdue her though vote or force, and thus Francesca would have to play her cards very carefully if she intends to have any sway here. She doubts that everyone here was helping on behalf of the Dale after all: everyone has their own agendas to fulfill, and the safety of her kingdom may not be their top priority. Unfortunately, this also means that Francesca is likely going to have to put aside her own pride and ethics in order to stand equally to these people. The gods has given human the right to have more than others, but in order for that to even matter, Francesca must [i]take it.[/i] So as much as she wanted to let the dead rest, she knew she would have to rob their graves for whatever trinkets or weapons they were entombed with. If nothing else, she will at least do her best not to defile anyone. Though she would not be surprised if simply being here uninvited was defilement enough. The dead weren't exactly known for their even temperament. [color=goldenrod]"If we're going to go in deeper, let's set up a marching order. This isn't a mere tomb but a catacomb, so I'm sure it belonged to someone important in the past. Someone who likely has protectors to keep grave robbers such as us from defiling their graves to pilfer treasures. I am willing to take the lead, though someone with better senses and quick reflexes should scout ahead for any traps or ambushes."[/color]