If there is still room I would love to join! [hider=Rowan][center][color=MediumSeaGreen][b]Name:[/b][/color] Dra-Adzi - Rowan [color=MediumSeaGreen][b]Race/Gender:[/b][/color] Half Orc [color=MediumSeaGreen][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1030280837951922256/1045166883583840308/IMG_1839.jpg[/img] [color=MediumSeaGreen][b]Background:[/b][/color] Always an outcast, [i]Adzi[/i] was quite different from the orcs of his tribe. Smaller and more nimble, features sharper than others and tusks pitifully small in comparison. It was no coincidence that [i]Dra[/i], the orcish word for runt was added onto his given name, it was fitting for the smaller and obviously weaker young man. However what truly set him apart from many others was his seemingly natural affinity for earth based magics, especially that of plant growth. Eventually the casually dismissals and discrimination became to much for the young man and he set out elsewhere hoping to find a place and people whom would accept him as is. [color=MediumSeaGreen][b]Personality:[/b][/color] A gentle and compassionate young man, Rowan can often come off as timid what with his habit of shrinking in on himself, trying to take as little space as his 6'3 frame will allow. A quite fellow, he enjoys simple things and is quite easily flustered when complimented or addressed politely. [color=MediumSeaGreen][b]Inventory:[/b][/color] A backpack with a Straw bedroll, personal mess kit, Water-skin and several days worth of rations, hemp rope, spare change of clothes, a whip, leather armor, a red bandana that he always wears. [/center][/hider]