[hider=Ariel Gratas] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Ariel Gratas[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]19[/indent] [b]Birthday:[/b] [indent]10/12[/indent] [b]Magic:[/b] [indent]Living Lacrama: Unlike your typical mage, Ariel naturally doesn't have a reserve of magic. Indeed all her magic capabilities must originally come from an external source much like how one would charge a traditional lacrama. Each magic she gains has it's own limited pool that is drawn from. Left alone each will replenish over time. This process occurs faster when in proximity to mages with a similar magic or more rapidly if directly charged by a mage or lacrama. When not exhibiting any specific magic Ariel can sense magic around her in what she can only describe as scents. The details of this sense are generally vague where Fire magic might "smell" like burning, water as cooling, or Lightning as refreshing. A lot of the time she won't really know what to expect when encountering something new as magic manifests in unpredictable ways. She can focus on absorbing a new type of magic in order to gain it. Depending on the complexity and strength of the magic it may take a longer period of exposure to attain it. Generally caster and elemental magics are easier to obtain while ones that are more innate or subtle require time and/or effort. Attaining a new magic doesn't mean she will be able to use it effectively without training or practice. She also cannot directly replicate another mage's spells or even if the magic will manifest as the same type (caster or holder). Similarly to Lacrama, Ariel takes on like properties of the magic she exhibits. A side effect of this has been the fracturing of her behavior. Specific personality traits get turned up to 11 depending on the magic she's using while other traits are suppressed. She's still the same in experience and memory, but may act like a completely different people.[/indent] [indent][hider=Attained Magics][indent] [hider=Fire (Experienced)] Color: [color=orange]orange[/color] Main personality trait: Aggressive [img]https://i.imgur.com/nxDCuGu.png[/img] Not one of Ariel's favorite ways to feel, but it has more uses in combat so she uses it more. Cones of fire, hurling fireballs, and generally engulfing things in flames is the go to here. Despite having range her temper often leads her to rushing in and throwing fiery kicks and punches.[/hider] [/indent][/hider][/indent] [b]Magic Level:[/b] [indent]C[/indent] [b]History:[/b] [indent]Growing up in Pergrande the idea of meeting anyone with magic was a pipe dream. This of course did not stop a young girl from being obsessed with magic. What is magic? How does it work? Who gets it? Is there a way for other people to get it? Most of these questions were essentially unanswerable even in foreign countries where mages were more common, but that didn't stop Ariel from going to some extreme lengths to try and find out. To say that she became something of an expert on the topic would be a vast overstatement. She was more of a dangerous armature in her attempts at understanding. Not being stupid enough to attempt going up to a mage she decided to focus her efforts on the next best thing, Lacrama. These crystalline objects can store magic to be used for all kinds of things. Of course they were just as scarce if not more so here than mages themselves. Add to that the level of knowledge surrounding them was quite lacking. Through much back door dealing and shady trades Ariel managed to get her hands on a Lacrama un unknown quality. Undeterred the young woman went to work with dubious methods of experimentation. With no benchmark or method for empirical standards it shouldn't be surprising to learn that this haphazard lifestyle backfired in ways she could not predict. Exhausting the limits of her knowledge, Ariel landed on the idea of extracting a core from the Lacrama she had. It was a rough shape and would never pass muster in a land like Fiore. She'd barely had the chance to scour a few millimeters deep before the object became compromised and whatever magical payload it had cracked and shattered in a spectacular explosion. Razor sharp fibers of Lacrama embedded themselves all throughout her body. Waking up hours later in a pile of rubble the small shed she'd been in was all but erased. The usual response of shock didn't come though. It was like she was unphased by the impact. Certainly he body hurt, but she felt almost nothing emotionally. Her hair, eyes, and even her clothes had turned white. Clearly something had happened to her that she couldn't explain. Moving on there was a time where she thought that this numbness was just her life now. However, a chance encounter with a fire mage changed all of that. Absorbing the magic her appearance changed and an intense feeling of aggression rushed to the surface as an unfortunate bystander learned the hard way when she punched him across the face. With some sense of what was happening Ariel correlated that her feelings were somehow linked to this magical mimicry. If she wanted to feel more then she was going to have to find more magic, and one of the few options available was the immigrants moving in from Fiore. [/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] [indent]Ariel's normal form is very stoic and nearly robotic. She doesn't get express excitement, fear, sadness, etc... except in the most extreme circumstances. Everything is weighed logically against her goals and she she thinks will work in a given circumstance. Of course this usually is unsetting to your average observer. Blunt to an extreme, though she doesn't always voice her inner thoughts. Who needs to her them anyway? One thing that almost always captures her attention though is magic. All this of course changes when she is using a magic. Details of which are listed in the Magic section. So who knows, maybe she'll slap you in the face or be running around hugging everybody.[/indent] [b]Guild and guild mark location:[/b] [indent]Soon to be Rising Starborn. Mark located between her shoulder blades.[/indent] [b]Team Members:[/b] [indent]TBD[/indent] [b]Three Strengths:[/b] [indent][b]1.[/b] Ariel is a student of knowledge, even if mostly self taught. She picks up on things pretty quickly when not hampered by a given personality. [b]2.[/b] She has the potential to be extremely versatile thanks to her ability to theoretically use any magic. This mostly will take time and effort to cultivate. [b]3.[/b] If she has one available, Ariel can almost purposely prompt a mood swing when the need calls for it.[/indent] [b]Three Weaknesses:[/b] [indent][b]1.[/b] Being able to use all kinds of magic means that Ariel has her work cut out for her to become effective at using it. [b]2.[/b] Since her appearance changes with her magic, she broadcasts whenever switching to a new magic. [b]3.[/b] The personality trait she may take on may not always be positive. So it may be difficult or even dangerous to herself and others.[/indent] [b]Appearance:[/b] [indent]This is her base appearance. Please check the Magic section for other appearances. [img]https://i.imgur.com/DuUgLMm.png[/img][/indent] [b]Additional Details:[/b] [indent]Ariel is highly motivated by attaining magic. It isn't specifically to become more powerful, but she is somewhat convinced it may be necessary to become whole again.[/indent] [/hider]