[Right][img]https://i.imgur.com/DYslCTY.png[/img][/right] [b]“I'm already twenty-two Ruby, practically at spinster age!”[/b] Ruby paused long enough to point an accusing finger at Alex. “Oh, nuh-uh. Better a ‘spinster’”—she added air quotes to the word—“than a miserable wretch hitched to Mr. Wrong! Besides. I’m not that much younger than you. So shush!” She accentuated the order by placing a finger in front of her lips and shushing her friend. She let out a contemplative, “Hmm,” to Alex’s additions to the ‘terms.’ Ruby ran her tongue over her teeth as if seriously considering how much they would foil her plans. “Fine,” she said finally though a sigh. Her grin mirrored Alex’s as the other girl completed their ‘contract.’ She cleared her throat, straightened, and donned what she thought was a diplomatic expression. “Then by the power of Blood and Soul, thus the Contract is sealed. A gruesome death awaits any who dare break it.” She pretended to roll the non-existent paper up, and pop it into her purse. “Well, of [i]course![/i]” she answered Alex’s question, her voice altering in a blink to playful hurt at the mere thought that she wouldn’t be coming back to Alex's home. “I mean, it’s past midnight. Wouldn’t be a full ‘girls day’ if we didn’t start immediately after your shift, would it?” She winked, then glanced to Alex’s hair. “I think I have a few hours of consciousness left in me. I could give your hair a touch-up tonight so we can go straight to the makeup tomorrow after shopping!” She glanced to the door as the last few patrons left. A whiff of the fresh, sea air wafted inside, momentarily drowning out the scents of the bar she’d already adapted to. She cast a quick glance around the bar, only then just realizing how quickly it had emptied. “C’mon, I’ll help clean up.” She took another swig of her icy drink. She stood and stretched, waiting to follow Alex’s lead in closing up for the morning. “So, I’m thinking,” she began, redoing her pony tail to recapture some of the escaped strands, “maybe we go with something sleek, in shades of black and blue.” She eyed Alex again. “And a dab of purple for me. But if we’re going to a fair, no heels. And something that’ll work with leggings. You’ll thank me later for that on the rides.” [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/vDcS1Xf.png[/img][/center]