Rala was still on edge when Cascade came to her with a gift, and she was now reeling from the guilt of responding with a dagger threateningly shoved at the bubbly genasi who had managed to catch the older woman off guard. [color=RosyBrown]"It's...marvelous. Thank you, this is well worth the cost"[/color] She said between panting breaths. As the group moved closer to the camp, Rala was beginning to wish she still had a drink left. The strange words those bizarre mangled brigands had shouted left Rala wondering if this was related to that wicked old woman they had dealt with only a few days prior. All these questions she had where getting to her, and with no answers in sight, she could only wish to drown her thoughts in liqour and hope that a warm belly full of mead and a tipsy head would help her sleep. She was far too anxious to let her guard down as she was now. Rala had been studying her new sheath as they walked, lost in thought about the battle that had just taken place and what it might mean for Cascade's home and covering her distress with the facade of admiring the admittedly elegant craftsmanship. A thought occurred to her as the traveled, she had heard Jormund reply to one of the brigands in their tongue. And the others seemed to be aware of what was being said. Perhaps they had some insight she did not. Looking up for the first time in a while, she realized that she had wandered past the group. Rala turned around to see a familiar sight. Flicker was currently raving at the crew for another foolhardy decision. Seeing the stand, Rala walked up, assuming drinks where being offered, exactly what she needed. When she saw the goblins, however, the older woman recoiled, her face crinkled into a look of disgust. She had dealt with goblins before, in the sewers of her city. To say the least, her memories of them were far from pleasant. [color=RosyBrown]"You've got to be the stupidest or bravest group of adventurers I've met if you're willing to drink anything made by a goblin"[/color] She said in a hushed tone to try to keep the goblins from overhearing her. Her thinly vieled anger showing in her fiery eyes. [color=RosyBrown]"If you get sick, you'd better have some of that cleric magic left to cure yourself"[/color] She growled again.