[h2]Tyaethe[/h2] The second glass of wine disappeared almost as quickly as the first, being replaced by an identical looking glass as the vampire gave a vague comment about that [i]particular[/i] ball having been particularly bad. Instead, her attention seemed to have drifted over the various guests--lingering a little longer on her former companion than any other with a frown--before having alighted on Fionn and his glowing fingers. She knew these were boring, but doing [i]magic tricks[/i] in a corner was a sure way to get awkward questions. While you were very unlikely to be accused of improper training and being a potential threat to the public, what was [i]more[/i] likely was getting some sheltered noble who only knew about magic in the abstract asking too many questions... which Fionn had absolutely no knowledge to answer. And [i]speaking[/i] with him... her eyesight wasn't perfect, even with correction, but even with an effort made, the voice was definitely... Strolling over with a fourth glass in hand, for when the third was inevitably emptied, the vampire proved just how stealthily one could move when dressed for a ball if desired... provided the trail of hair fluttering behind her wasn't a giveaway. Mostly, of course, it relied on everyone else being taller than you are. "You really should have had a proper tailor look at that dress before the ball," the vampire said without preamble, looking Lein up and down now that she was closer, "Being ashamed of your choices to the point you show up to an event in ill-fitting clothes is a mistake."