[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KrdocvT.png[/img][/center] [color=#758173]Time:[/color] 11 AM [color=#758173]Location:[/color] Execution at the Athletic Arena [color=#758173]Attire:[/color] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/cd/ab/2b/cdab2babd260728e90a1185932dc3401.jpg]Outfit[/url] [color=#758173]Interaction:[/color] [@Helo] Leo [color=#758173]Mentions:[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BCGMDwO.png[/img][/center] The tightening of Leo’s jaw wasn’t lost on Mina and she realized that her words could have been misunderstood as her not caring about the disappearance of his father. The truth was that her feelings on the matter were quite the opposite. She’d lost a parent of her own and never knew the other, it was something she’d never wish on anyone. [color=#758173]”Quite capable hands indeed, I was merely unsure if anything had changed since I’d last seen you.”[/color] She said and then her tone softened some as she glanced at him once more. [color=#758173]”I keep hoping I hear word that your father is found and in good health.”[/color] She said, tone gentle and truthful. She was mildly intrigued by his comment of “last night's folly”, but wasn’t entirely surprised to learn that the afterparty got a little out of hand. The logical side of her was glad she couldn’t make it, knowing it would have brought unwanted attention upon her uncle. Yet, at the same time, she wondered if there was a missed opportunity there. She couldn’t dwell too much on it, however, as it was in the past and there was certainly going to be more of those parties. [color=#758173]”Oh I certainly agree with you, it is effective for a while. It’s the instant the ruler stops appearing for them, however, that things become more likely for a turn to be taken.”[/color] She pointed out, the fact neither Edin nor Alibeth were there not being lost on her. There was a slight smile on her face as she mirrored some of his excitement, even if it was only to remain on familiar ground with him. [color=#758173]”Because once they stop appearing, people begin to question things. They question how much those ruling over them actually care about their wellbeing. It’s poor form when they don’t appear because it removes the hope of a pardon and hope is a powerful thing to keep feeding into.”[/color] She went on to explain her views on the matter, but then was chuckling in agreement about being glad Varian had moved beyond such barbarics. Taking note of the rage filled eyes of the man that was about to be executed, she had to agree with Leo that something was different with this one. [color=#758173]”I see what you mean, how very intriguing. Perhaps we’re about to witness something that’ll make history? Wouldn’t that be thrilling.”[/Color] She was feeding into his excitement, yet found herself eager just to know what this man had down to earn himself such a sentence.