"[color=ffe63d]No. I—I don't think I am.[/color]" The world felt very small, and very far away. She was being chased, hunted, by an Aridean prince. On some level, she knew it wasn't [i]really[/i] Eain. Like Besca said, it was just...an echo of him, a Savior that had gone back to the other side where it came from and come back again. She knew it. On every level that mattered she knew it. It wasn't Eain anymore. It just couldn't be, as a simple fact. But still... [i]Then why could it talk?[/i] She didn't get it. And it made her want to think of it as a person. The Modir spoke with his voice. It fought like a Savior. It fought with his sword— Quinn's heart nearly stopped. What was it that Dahlia had said at lunch before the duel? Before she discovered that she was being hunted? That it was all her [i]fault?[/i] [i][color=skyblue]The weapons are supposed to be—[/color][/i] "[color=ffe63d]Deelie,[/color]" She spoke with a new urgency in her voice, and both she and her voice were shaking as she put her hand down gently on top of the table, wishing that she could bring up the image again, just to make absolute sure. But it wouldn't have changed anything, because she...she [i]was[/i] sure. She would never, [i]could[/i] never, forget that sword. The way the fuller had gleamed like fire as it hung above her head, and the crash as it slammed down— She was hyperventilating now, and she closed her eye, steadying herself on the table and doing her best to stay in the present moment. "[color=ffe63d]Deelie, our weapons are supposed to be [i]us[/i], right? Not—[/color]" She cut herself off again, wishing that she wasn't about to ask the question that was dancing on the tip of her tongue. It felt important. [i]Very[/i] important. Important and [i]scary[/i], because it meant something was wrong, something was [i]really wrong.[/i] A familiar dread was welling up from deep within her too. The other her was...was really afraid. And that just made it worse. "[color=ffe63d]But if the weapons are supposed to belong to [i]us[/i] and not the Modir, then...[/color]" "[color=ffe63d]Then [i]how can it have Eain's sword?[/i][/color]"