[hr][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/69aq4Ip.png[/img] [hr][hr][@Pirouette][@dragonpiece][@Ti][@Salsa Verde][@BreathOfTheWoof][@jasbraq][@Th3King0fChaos] [hr][hr] [color=a9a9a9]It’s a simple job, on the surface: get an article to press that the city’s printers are hesitant to print. It appears late on the board, almost as if sneaked in. The pay is less than amazing, but adequate - one magus each - and the poster is looking for five people. [color=ed1c24]“Enough is enough,”[/color] it stridently claims. [color=ed1c24]“The people at the reins are steering us off a cliff. Now, they want to see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil. If you're motivated to make a change, meet us by the fountain north of the Arboretum at 2:00 HD and wear a red ribbon.”[/color] Shortly after, the notice disappears as suddenly as it went up and the day passes. At the appointed hour, those who’ve made themselves available gather in the small plaza surrounding the fountain. The water laps and splashes under the light of three moons and moths and crane flies zip and swirl around a pair of gas lamps. To the south, the arboretum is uncharacteristically still and silent, despite the curfew having been lifted for this event. Perhaps people are scared of the recent unrest. Perhaps they are merely tired after the full-day slog that was Roses & Neskals. There is only the subtle hiss of the gas-powered street lamps and the persistent howling of a distant dog as they arrive. The students have no trouble recognizing their co-conspirators. They appear to be Ingrid, Zarra, Dory, Sven, Desmond, Casii, Ymiico, and Ayla, each adorned with some variation of the ribbon they were asked to wear. They exchange nods. A few minutes pass and there is no sign of anyone who looks like a potential employer, though nearly everything about this ‘job’ is strange. Then, just as a couple begin grumbling, a poster materializes on the wall of one of the buildings overlooking the small courtyard. It reads: [color=ed1c24]“When, if ever, is it acceptable to break the law?”[/color] Then, a second poster: [color=ed1c24]“You have two minutes,”[/color] and a third: [color=ed1c24]“...I’m listening.”[/color] It appears that a response is required, for the benefit of… whoever’s listening.[/color] [hr][hr]