[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/oDUS9lk.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=009fff]Event:[/color][/b] The Test, Enough is Enough [b]|[/b] [b][color=009fff]Location:[/color][/b] Fountain, Arboretum[hr][hr][/center] [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/TjL7vO8-NOg[/youtube][/center] Ayla was surprised at the crowd that had gathered for this meetup. She awkwardly twiddled with her red ribbon amongst her blue ribbons, thinking she may have somehow stumbled in the wrong place, but with the others adorning ribbons similar to her, it seems they were all here for the same purpose. She moved to look over the posters that adorned the wall: [color=ed1c24]“When, if ever, is it acceptable to break the law?”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“You have two minutes,”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“...I’m listening.”[/color] That last one did make her smile, stating such a thing to a sonic mage was tantamount to a taunt, but she understood the objective, it was to assess their character. In some ways, she wonders if what is said was actually important. She carefully considers the question, two minutes each, she purses her lips, as if daring to speak first. [color=009fff]“Nothing is as simple as breaking or not breaking a law. First, we have to clarify, what is a law?”[/color], she starts a more whimsical and philosophical approach. [color=009fff]“Why have laws in the first place? What do they serve? There are many types of laws and rules, and their intention is important.”[/color] She has often witnessed the courts in Varrahasta to see justice served. Whilst her father was very cut and dry, you broke the law, you obtain the punishment, then onto the next. There were many others such as the wise city elders who seemed to serve with a wisdom and grace beyond typical comprehension. The good ones always seemed to examine and account for things like circumstances. There have been many a time people have had a literal slap on the wrist where there is typically a severe punishment through their mercy. She always liked to listen to the old men, often creating a story, a narrative, and a punishment fitting of this. Ayla starts to share with an example from her homeland, [color=009fff]“Zaqhory Desert tribes believe that if you eat shellfish, you profane the gods and are cursed with sickness by them, and so by religious law, prevented to consume shellfish even outside the Desert. However, in Varrahasta, we eat fresh shellfish all the time. Is it a case that their gods hold no power over the city?”[/color] she mused the question, [color=009fff]“The answer is, shellfish very quickly turns into a deadly poison, especially in the desert. So why does the law exist? To prevent those in the Desert from succumbing to sickness and death. As a consequence of the law in those conditions, it is to save peoples lives, however, such a law is not absolute. If the conditions change, shouldn’t it be okay to eat shellfish?”[/color]. She ponders the concept further, [color=009fff]“Laws are a tool. A blunt one, but their purpose is simple, protection and order. People know where they stand and what to expect. Though like all tools, it depends on who is wielding them. A hammer can be used by a blacksmith to create a cooking pot to feed a family, or it can be used to injure someone. Laws are not fundamentally just in themselves, and tyrants have often shown us this. Laws have limitations. It is for the wise and just to apply these appropriately.”[/color] [color=009fff]“With this in mind…”[/color], she clicks her fingers as she directs towards the lake. [color=009fff]“There is a law that says you should not swim after dark. In the water, you see a child drowning. The only way to rescue it would be to enter the water. Do you follow the law, or do you follow what you know to be right? Which is more valued, the law or that child’s life?”[/color] [color=009fff]“So my answer is simple. There are fundamental values, as transcribed by the gods that transcend the laws of man. They move us to act and do what is right. At times, laws follow these values as a general rule, for one should not steal, one should not murder, but there are times where the law is not enough and doing what is right is paramount and takes priority. In those moments, there is an obligation to disobey.”[/color] With her own little speech finished, she finds a nice place to relax as she leaves the floor to the others to continue with where she left off. [hr][hr]