[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ONd4lpK.png[/img][/center] [color=00F8FE]Time: 11:00 am Location: Ballroom Interactions: Ruby [@SausagePat], Auguste [@Inertia], Edin [/color] [color=9FA1A4] [i][color=C17ECE]“Oh I can’t wait to return to the worms.”[/color][/i] [color=00F8FE]“Same.”[/color] Callum muttered though he doubted that was the appropriate response. Ruby’s entire demeanor had changed, she seemed in a panic to get out, or at least away from him. Both the chair and Ruby crashed to the floor, and for some reason, there was now an onion rolling around as well. [color=00F8FE][i]Well, there goes staying out of trouble.[/i][/color] He really had tried to keep his word to Wulfric, but if they had really wanted this whole event to go smoothly then they wouldn’t have included him. Cal wasn’t sure what he’d said wrong, maybe he’d gone on about worms too much. Or maybe it wasn’t entirely the fact that he was talking about worms but that everyone here, Ruby included, expected him to act more like a prince and be able to think of something more interesting than worms to talk about. Then again maybe five minutes was about all it took for people to figure out he wasn’t someone they wanted to be around. It didn’t much matter why, it was his fault, and now Ruby had made a spectacle and he had to fix it because Ruby seemed far too nice to deal with Edin’s attention. [color=00F8FE]“Sorry I-”[/color] Callum got up from his chair but didn’t get a chance to offer a hand to help Ruby up as she was already on her way out. Probably for the best, he wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to say. [color=00F8FE][i]Sorry, I ruined this event for you. Sorry, I’m kind of a shit prince.[/i][/color] That didn’t seem like a useful thing to add right now, and he needed to try and find ways to be useful rather than just apologizing for messing things up. Callum picked up the chair and sat it back. Then he grabbed the onion off the floor and grinned. [color=00F8FE]“Hey, Auguste, I got a gift and a snack, not too bad huh?”[/color] He asked, louder than necessary as he slowly peeled off the first layer of the onion and set the peelings on the table. Cal made no effort to hide a grin as his eyes found Edin’s. Callum lifted up the raw onion and took a bite the same way he would’ve if it had been an apple. But it was not an apple and whiskey, coffee, and a mouthful of raw onion were certainly not the breakfast of champions. It took most of his will not to hurl at the taste and the unwanted amount of onion juice now in his mouth. He forced himself to chew the crunchy bits of onion with a smile as his eyes never left Edin’s. [color=00F8FE]“Mmm, my favorite.”[/color] He lied, mouth still full of half-chewed onion as he spoke. Then just because it was obnoxious he continued to chew with his mouth wide open. [/color]