Apparently, she wasn’t a person of many words when writing notes and she knew no matter what she had said in it Jacob would still hate her for it. After all he had saved her, he had rescued her and kept her alive and fed and warm, yet here she was now running away from all of it. Hindsight was a bitch and even though Jacob was part of the security team and his guard she still felt the need to find these rebels and get rid of them for good and maybe then she could face Cas. After all this time maybe she’d feel worthy enough, especially as she owed him an apology for how she had left. Sighing he thought she was dead, perhaps it was better that way? Either way she needed to find out what the rebels were doing and how she could help Cas, it was the least she could do after all the drama she had brought into his life. [color=f49ac2][i]I’m so sorry Jacob, thank you for everything. [/i][/color] With the note set she left it on the table in the living room before she moved towards the door opening it up, giving one last glance to the place she left knowing this was best. If she could gain any information and give it to Cas it may just be the upper hand, he needed to quell the rebellion for good. The fact it was still on-going was worrying in the slightest as her father was dead, Ethan was dead. Who could possibly still want this to continue? Not when she believed in her heart that Cas was going to help improve the districts and not ignore it like his father had. Running was easy, especially as her father had trained her to slip in and out of the Capital unnoticed in order to assassinate the royals long ago. With most of her memories returned she felt more equipped to deal with this and she felt motivated out of her emotional slump she had found herself in the past couple of months. Iris was certain she could help this time and be of use and thankfully her ability to blend in worked out great, no one paid her any attention and just assumed she was meant to be there. Maybe it helped she was in Capital clothing, but she had taken that from Jacob. It had been two days of running, following any sort of lead she could find, and she ended up in an area that was awfully quiet. Listening out for any snippets of clues from civilians she had ended up on the south side of the Capital, a place that didn’t look as populated as other areas of the Capital she had seen on her travels. Problem was it had been two days, no food and barely any water which didn’t bode well in terms of survival, and she’d need to find something soon. So far what she had managed to figure out was one rebel had been caught and two were still on the run from the attack at the palace two days ago. Two days of being out on the streets hiding in woodland areas for brief moments of rest had meant the clothing she now wore was a little on the scruffy side. Something she was starting to feel conscious in as it would gain more attention than needed. No one she had seen looked scruffy in any sort of way and it seemed that they all cared about their appearance, so now she felt like she was starting to stick out a bit more. Pressing her hand to her side she could still feel the odd twinge here and there, and although she was mostly healed and ready to be moving around more, she had neglected resting due to her sheer determination to be of use to Cas. Shoving her hands in her pockets she kept her head down as she passed by two civilians who were looking her way warily, quickly shuffling past as she turned a corner to see a shop in the distance. An idea sprung to mind, and she knew it would be the perfect place to steal a bottle of water, that would tide her over for a bit longer as she felt like she was getting somewhere. Approaching the store her eyes swept the building looking for the shopkeeper and she didn’t see anyone out on the front, carefully she moved inside trying to make as little noise as possible. Heading towards the chilled section she could see the water in sight, smiling to herself she snatched the bottle but just as she was about to sneak it into her pocket a hand out of nowhere grabbed her wrist. “THIEF!” [color=f49ac2]“Let go!”[/color] Iris hissed snatching her hand back as she began to back away, but there was an anger in the shop keeper’s eyes as he began to shout at the top of his voice to attract attention knowing that there would be some guards patrolling around as he began to chase her out of the store. “GET HER! THIEF!” Quickly Iris began to leg it out of the shop her heart racing as she had been caught, if she could put distance between them before anyone else heard then she could slip away and hide for a bit until the coast was clear. Panicked she continued to run, but her next turning had been the wrong one as a couple of guards who had heard a commotion was heading towards the shop she was running from. They had quickly put two and two together, why else would you run in the Capital unless you were guilty of something? “STOP RIGHT THERE!” Turning on her heel Iris tried to run off in another direction, but the guards were quick, and probably in better shape than she was as they easily began to close the distance between them. Trying to push forward she cried out as she went crashing down to the floor with a guard having pounced on her pinning her to stop her from running off. “What’s your ID number?” The other guard spoke as he pulled out a machine to check it against their system. [color=f49ac2]“I don’t remember.”[/color] Iris whispered hoping it would buy her a little bit of time. “Rebel?” Questioning to the other guard as he looked down at her appearance, they had been on high alert since the attack. “Name?” The guard persisted his eyes down on her, but Iris didn’t respond which didn’t bode well for them. “I’ll call it in. No risks.” The guard reasoned as he reached for his earpiece to send communication to Curry, especially as they knew the safe house was in this area and they couldn’t risk anything. “Sir, suspected rebel caught in the area. We’ve restrained them, but they are refusing to talk.” Glancing at his partner who still kept the girl pinned as he awaited orders, they could take her to the prison but it was awfully close to the safe house that Curry may want to deal with it personally in case the last one was still in the area.