[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ONd4lpK.png[/img][/center] [color=00F8FE]Time: 11:00 am Location: Ballroom Interactions: none [/color] [color=9FA1A4] [color=DDB775]"GUARDS! Get that [i]onion[/i] woman away from my sons! [i]NOW![/i] And Callum, conduct yourself with some respect for the ladies if not for yourself!"[/color] Callum made his way back to his seat, still staring at Edin, and loudly chewing that same onion bite with his mouth wide open. Now that he had a mouthful of onion he didn’t particularly want to swallow it. His eyes burned, his mouth was filled with onion-infused saliva, and he had to choke down this god-awful decision or give Edin the satisfaction of him acknowledging in any way that eating this onion was a bad idea. So Callum sat back down in his chair, continuing his show of preformative mastication until the onion that was in his mouth was entirely mush. Then he choked it down and chased it with what remained in his cup of coffee. Another bad idea because coffee mixed with onion was not in any way better than onion alone. He realized he could have spit the onion into the cup but it was way too late for that. Everything still tasted like onions, but he didn’t let a single expression slip through to betray how disgusting he found the experience. He looked away from Edin, who had long stopped paying attention anyway, and looked ahead at whoever else was still watching. Surely no one here wanted to sit and chat with someone who just had his last visitor leave tripping over the chair to get away and who ate onions off the floor. Maybe he wouldn’t have to disappoint anyone else here, they’d already know what they were getting into. Since Edin wasn’t looking, Callum tried to discreetly wipe the tears out of his eyes and drool from his mouth on his sleeve. Except it was the sleeve that contained the hand that had been holding that damn onion and now his fingers smelled like the onion. His eyes only grew redder and more watery. No longer discrete, Cal next tried wiping his eyes clear with the other sleeve, and any victory he thought he had over Edin from eating that bite of onion with a straight face was now lost amongst the frequent face wiping and occasional gagging. Gods only know how long he was now going to be stuck here where everything smelled and tasted like onion. But maybe he’d spared Ruby something; Edin’s full attention, or at least when people talked about this, and they would, maybe they’d all laugh at Callum eating an onion off the floor and not at the clumsy girl who tripped over a chair. He was fine with that, people thought there was something wrong with him anyway. He gathered the peeled-off bits of the onion from the table and stuck them in his now empty coffee cup and placed the rest of the onion on top. He wasn’t eating any more of it, and it was probably one of his least favorite ideas, but maybe it had done something a little bit helpful. He didn’t feel good about it though, not because it was entirely disgusting and not because he was probably ruining the whole regal air of the event. No Callum currently felt like a jackass because he had promised Wulfric he wouldn’t do this. And then he did it. On a whim. Just like he pushed buttons because he knew where they were and he was angry enough not to care what happened after that. So he’d looked at just about everyone in that room while he was making another scene but not Wulfric, he didn’t have the nerve for that. He noticed that Ruby really had left the tiny worm pot behind and he moved it closer to him. He was going to keep it safe until she wanted it back, and he figured she definitely would still want it back since he was doing a terrible job at this whole prince’s court thing. He wondered if someone would bring him a drink if he asked for one now. Probably not. [/color]