Location: Nids End [@Pyromania99] [hr] “...mhm, I am.” Sucaria replied plainly. Something about this place just made her…heart feel heavy. Feel ill. It had nothing to do with the elves, moreso the land itself it felt like. “No? We hardly leave the forest, so that’s to be expected! Anyways, come on, take a seat, have a drink.” The elf would shove a mug into Luna’s hand. “Aye, this is more of a sport. The big guy over there challenged us to a duel. Said if we win he’d show us around a bit and tell us about this sorry piece of land we find ourselves in.” Lady Sarah and the Cyclopeon fomorian continued their battle in the background. As her blade struck through his knee armor and flesh, he’d let out a grunt of pain, but would soon retaliate with a strike of his own. Before the blade could sever bone and tendon, he’d lash out with his leg, kicking up sandy beach and dirt towards the elf. She’d respond in turn, leaping just far enough away to avoid getting kicked as the fomorian followed it up with a second kick, from his other leg, this strike catching the elf squarely in the body, barely having time to deflect or avoid the blow. “Lady Sarah could probably tell you more than I could.” He’d continue. “But she’s lookin for someone. An old friend. Can’t tell you her name, you’d best ask her about it, but we know she’s here somewhere, just dunno where.” Location: Hjrelskins Fall [@Crimson Paladin] [hr] “I’m talking to you, aren’t I?” The girl replied with a cheeky giggle. “Uhm…Sorcha, though? Isn’t she that lady they’re saying is just usurping power from Harzel? If you’re here to help though, uhm…” She quickly glanced around the street, and there was the sound of someone running inside the house and muffled shouts. “Uhm! Night! Forest! People are going missing due to a singing-” “Get away from the window girl!” “Yeep-!” Before she could say anything else, the man that Ethelred had first been speaking too pulled the woman away from the window, slamming the shutters shut behind the two as they would disappear back into the house. Still, he was able to get some information about what was happening here. Singing, night, and people going missing. It wouldn’t be much longer before Lugh and Elnith returned. “Ethelred, Ethelred.” Lugh approached. “They didn’t tell much. They said something about unseelie luring people into the forest.” “Mhm, it seems as though something is at least.” Elnith responded. “How do you want to handle this? We could wait and see if something shows up tonight, but…if its unseelie enchanting people we may not be entirely immune to its effects either…” Location: Airedale Forests [@Guy0fV4lor] [hr] “Eh? You understood that?” The revelation that the man in front of him was not just a simple musclehead, caused the human to interrupt her own chanting and spell, immediately losing control of it as she’d let out a small shout as the area over the circle and the small area around it began to shimmer and shift as reality bent. And shimmering into existence. Was what could be described as a giant, squid like tentacle. “Gweh why is it always a sea creature!” The mage shouted, before said tentacle would whip around, grabbing the mage and holding her upside down. It didn’t immediately seem threatening otherwise, just holding her there as she dropped her staff and struggled to get the thing to drop her. Seemed like this might not be anything new. “...hey. Hey. Hey listen. Sword guy? Help? I don’t fancy hanging here. Just…cut it. Might get violent if you do though, but you look big, strong, and totally intelligent so you can definitely handle it if it does. I got money if it also motivates you.” As if to emphasize this, the tentacle shook her slightly, a few gold coins falling from her pockets. Location: —-------- [@VitaVitaAR] [hr] [color=7bcdc8]“Goddess…?”[/color] The woman tilted her head. [color=7bcdc8]“...its been a long…time…since someone’s called me that…”[/color] She shook her head, smiling sleepily as she’d stand up as Fio made an assertion about her not being able to sing. She then, proceeded to well, making large, leaping steps over to Fio, ears atop her head flopping lightly each little bounce she made until she was standing fairly close to the mage. [color=7bcdc8]“This is a dream, you know.”[/color] She began, emphasizing her next words by two starry furred bunnies popping into existence at her feet. [color=7bcdc8]“You can do anything you want here. Sing. Dance. Create. Make.”[/color] She glanced towards the ground, ears drooping rather animatedly. [color=7bcdc8]“...its been a long time since…I’ve seen any…”[/color] Just as quickly as they drooped though, they would quickly perk back up as the goddess looked at Fio. [color=7bcdc8]“You’re not stupid though, just adventurous. Otherwise…we wouldn’t have met, right? And uhm...sorry for calling out to you...I was just...lonely...”[/color] She blinked. [color=7bcdc8]“Oh…right, my name. I’m…Ithica. I was…a goddess once, I think. My memory isn’t so good these days…Oh, and uhm…if you want to leave…I can…sister told me I’m supposed to always tell people how to leave first. But uhm…if you want, I can…maybe show you more of that ones dream, later…”[/color]