[center][img]https://imgur.com/S17UCH4.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=6633cc][h1]Enough is Enough[/h1][/color][/center] [hr] Zarra, beffittingly to his 'let's do things last minute' mentality, had showed up last, but not so late he wasn't able to be caught up to speed by the posters, which asked a question he finds rather kind of redundant. [color=6633cc]"I don't know why I'm being asked this question. I mean, I actually came here with the full expectation I was going to break [i]some[/i] law. If you want my fully honest opinion, laws are more of like a societal mechanic. We as humans strangely like rules, a streetmap of what not to do. I have yet to me a single person who doesn't like having a consistent system. There definitely people who will find it harder follow the rules governed by everyone else, but nobody is truly entirely amoral. Wither I choose to play to said rules is entirely up to me and only me."[/color] Zarra doesn't really have a point, seeming to more or less putting disconnecting points together into an argument against himself. What would the Greyborn ever care about law at the end of the day anyway? He did kill a man in pure haste and almost sink a whole ship of civilians.