[color=A6A6A6][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/979435275526766672/1047315907334123631/Lambs_and_Stakes.png[/img][/center] [color=gold][h2][b]Velles 5th[/b][/h2][/color] [color=gold][b]Location:[/b][/color] Merchant District of Ersand'Ernise [color=gold][b]Day of the week:[/b][/color] Taldes [color=gold][b]Time:[/b][/color] 5:00 HE [color=gold][b]Collab By:[/b][/color] Trypano [@A Lowly Wretch], Desmond [@Th3King0fChaos], Brother Wolf/Lamb [@Force and Fury] [hr] [hider=Pound of Fleash] Desmond witnessed the crowd surround him, he got frustrated, he put his hand to his forehead as he looked down slightly as he restrained himself from just yelling. He owed no one nothing, it was as simple as that, he's already payed his side, and he was done. But no, more people thinks it is him who owes them money. As threats were thrown out Desmond noticed the mob fully form with people, Desmond was ready to break through, Trypano should not be a part of this yet they put threats out even towards her, yet the man they were seeking cut through the crowd and sent the crowd away before addressing them. Desmond sighed in frustration once more as he rubbed his forehead before saying, [color=gold]"Scrios Dé, I was not in the bookkeeping! I betted on the fight that happened!"[/color] Desmond shook his head before looking up and back to brother lamb as he continued, [color=gold]"Fuck, I was a victim of this whole situation as well. I went to Zeno bucks to get a coffee before the auction happened and saw the fight, I betted 2 magus on it when I saw Casii throw a nasty punch and then was going to watch the fight. However, people started getting rowdy and some yasoi knocked over one of the bookkeepers who was in a wheel chair, which lead some Kerramand nobles showed up and shoved them off in which a fight was beginning to brew"[/color]. Desmond sighed as he continued recalling the situation as his face seemed to show his annoyance as him thinking of it made him realize how bad the situation got so quickly, [color=gold]"I knew the bookkeepers so I asked them to give me the good news when it was all settled as I left. I did not want to be in a brawl with 50+ nobles where I think at least half had some kind of beef with me. Mr. Secto was there so I knew if things got crazy he could handle it but someone wanting to put me on or in the ground was not something I wanted to mess with"[/color] Desmond let out one more sigh as his face grimaced in the pure annoyance of the situation as he said, [color=gold]"After everything was said and done, the auction, everything, I left to find them to collect whatever little money I could to pay for the box as people had big plans for it, however I found out that the money was stolen from them so they were unable to pay out. And since I knew one of them personally, as he lived with me, many assume I had stolen it as well. Now I am here dealing with this bullshit on top of the Box"[/color]. Desmond threw his hands up as he looked and was frustrated, he was channeling many of the emotions he has had over the Trials, as things have been getting crazier and crazier as people seem to be swinging with their full RAS in some of these games. As in every instance he faced off with a competitor he feels like he is inches away from being sent to an early grave. Brother Lamb remained still, listening quietly with a considered tilt of his head. He nods along, paying attention the entire time and, though it is difficult to read him, there even seems to be some empathy present. Then, as Desmond nears the end of his story and shares the critical piece, the Dread Priest's eyes narrow ever so slightly. The shadow of something crosses his face. [color=FAF0E6]"So, in truth, you are the aggrieved party,"[/color] he decides. [color=FAF0E6]"Is that correct?"[/color] Desmond sighed as he heard what Brother Lamb had said and responded, [color=gold]"We came here to find you and then we were both being threatened by them and I was being accused of the theft. So yeah, I'd say we are the aggrieved party in this situation"[/color]. Trypano looked on at the scene. How annoying. Being dragged into Desmond's side business when he had claimed that he was going to handle the negotiation, it seemed like no plan of his was ever sound. Now here she was yet again, stuck in an ever familiar scenario of being surrounded by belligerent fools. At least their target had approached, one who while the subject of their mission was at least more prone to reason it seemed. With a soft reluctant sigh she reached down and dug her hand into her purse. [color=crimson]"How much money is owed?"[/color] She asked in her cool, neutral tone whilst keeping a keen eye on his expression, searching within it for an impression of his immediate thoughts. Since Desmond was always scrounging for cash she reckoned the bill he had incurred was likely rather small. Even if it was larger than the amount they were being paid for it mattered little. Wealth is but a means to an end after all. For all that Trypano may have been reading Brother Lamb, she was being read in turn, subtly, in the way that one might expect from a user of forbidden magics. [color=FAF0E6]"And what was so urgent about seeing me that you and... another party who you... do not appear to be on the same page as have braved an area where you might've expected trouble?"[/color] He turned back to Trypano. [color=FAF0E6]"Is she here to pay off what you claim you don't owe?"[/color] His face was expressionless, expectant if it was anything at all.[/hider] [hider=Attempted Rebounding]Desmond sighed hearing them both he corrected Brother Lamb, with what Trypano pulled he needed to try and pull it back. He knows this is a long shot, but he's already in the hole maybe he can get away with something, [color=gold]"No, we are here to ask you for something, nothing else. We were contacted about procuring something from you, and it pays a good bit money. I came here to ask you directly if we could have some blood or some hair. I am unsure why they want it, but I know it will pay good money because the person who is paying us is reliable at holding up their end of deals"[/color]. [color=gold]"Me and a few other fellow students are trying to buy the box from the auction house so we can take it out of the hands of the countries who were there. This pays a good bit of money, so I know this would be a decent way to at least try and help. The box has a power far too great for any mortal king to have for waging war-"[/color] Desmond said something directly to Brother Lamb without letting a word leave his mouth yet his lips moved, maybe gravity might be helpful here, [color=gold][i]"A box to tame the Flying Flame Tyrant"[/i][/color]. Desmond chose this over the actual name because it would be easy to understand without using large and impractical words. [color=gold]"It is indiscriminate and would hurt many, so a few of us there talked the rest of us into it and now we are here. Trying to get money the best we can so we don't let it fall into the hands of those countries"[/color] Trypano simply nodded along with what he admitted. While bold of him to openly admit they were paid to acquire this of him from an unspoken outside party she had yet to see the commonalities he and Brother Lamb shared. [color=crimson]"While he is correct in that I will confess that I am not here to acquire anyone's blood for money. Rather, I am currently conducting research into mana and it's relations to our blood in order to find cures to ongoing ailments currently affecting the magical community such as Tethering or the Greyborn condition. With the Trials bringing in such variety in casters I'm taking this opportunity to acquire blood samples to better understand the various interactions of mana and mana viruses."[/color] Her expression was professionally cool as she laid out the reasoning to her purpose here, following his eyes as they in turn followed hers. She could tell he was sensing her out, it was something she was familiar with though what school she couldn't yet identify. If she had to give a guess she'd probably say chemical, likely a sub-study of the field. With the smooth steadiness of a surgeon she produced a vial from her purse, this one without any markings for it was simply one of her own that she carried in the off-chance she needed to collect samples. [color=crimson]"I can understand your reluctance to offer a blood sample given how others appear to be paying money up to try and collect it. While I normally would prefer to approach you without ulterior motives at play I would be obligated to carry out my end of the agreement as I do not offer my word if I do not intend to carry it out. That being said I can assure that your blood would also be going to aid research in curing presently incurable conditions."[/color] [color=FAF0E6]"Is that all, then?"[/color] the priest demanded. There were still plenty of figures in the vicinity, moving about on their own business as the last of the day's light faded: some towards them and some away from. Brother Wolf's demeanour had changed noticeably. [color=FAF0E6]"You approach me first with what you believe a clever lie and now ask me to give freely of myself so that your shadowy benefactors may benefit."[/color] He shook his head ever so slightly. [color=FAF0E6]"Have you thought to question these people or do you simply prefer not to think of their motives in the face of payment? But, of course, you're focused on doing right in the world."[/color] His face went stony. [color=FAF0E6]"Spare me the moralizing and the veiled threats. Remove yourself from my presence and salvage what shreds of decency you have left by repaying these people what you took from them."[/color] Why did she think bringing Desmond along would actually end any different than last time? Now the priest was conflating her presence with whatever stupid schemes Desmond had been embroiled in. Furthermore, veiled threats? [color=crimson]"Do you think me so uncivil?"[/color] She inquired with a quizzical brow raised, genuinely curious as to what life he must be leading to see threats where none lay. [color=crimson]"I know not you nor Desmond's business here. If it really is so significant I'll pay off their losses until the funds are properly found and returned to them. I am not here for money, I am simply here for my research."[/color] Her face was stony, a true poker face through and through, voice of even timbre. [color=crimson]"Not all can keep their truths tucked below their skin but if you are so keen to keep yours secret I will not force you to do otherwise. I speak no word of a lie to you about who I am nor why I'm here, just ask anyone who's seen me for my work is no secret.'[/color] She gives a calm, disappointed sigh. [color=crimson]"I cannot know who truly seeks your blood nor why they want it. What I do suspect is that they are unlikely to relent simply because I didn't fulfill their request. You are unlikely to find peace until somebody succeeds. Regardless of your choice after this meeting we will not be meeting again except as contestants within the trials. I will respect your privacy hereafter.[/color] With statuesque composure she folded her hands in front of her, awaiting his choice. [color=crimson]"Accept and I shall draw a sample of blood, both for medical research and as repayment to the one who informed me of your unique condition, for whatever reasons they might have be they nefarious or not. Refuse and I shall leave and that will be all."[/color][/hider] [hider=Conflictions & Alternate Courses] Desmond flicked his hand as he looked away, Desmond sighed as he said, [color=gold]"Fuck it, whatever, you believe as you do. I owe jack shit and I will stand by that. And of course I am unsure of why they would want it, after all what can be found in it? Chemicals, Water? Saltpeter? Of course they try something, but if it was as easy to take your magic from just some genetic material, then someone already has it from these Trials and probably the next few. But whatever, as you said I should leave, so see ya, have a night"[/color]. As Desmond began walking away, him and Trypano's styles are very different, so both of them playing together is not a good move. Trypano instantly went to Desmond being in the wrong rather than having his back in some way, or even just letting him talk his way out. So him being here would just stop her from getting what she wants done, well he doesn't care about that part because of what she did, he just doesn't want to be in the priests pressence, he annoyed the shit out of him. The strangest thing about this all was that there was absolutely nothing special about Matthew as far as he could tell. He was an unremarkable foundling of Enth, left at a convent's doorstep and raised within the church. Where he had excelled was in his learning, his fervour and belief, and perhaps in his bloodline, for it was likelier than not that he was some lord's bastard. There was, to the best of his knowledge, absolutely nothing remarkable about his blood. Yet, Charity had sent him the signal that meant someone had snooped about their apartments in the cathedral, and t was becoming increasingly clear to him that Desmond Catulus was someone around whom events always seemed to swirl. The mercenary had responded with defensive anger, part guilty conscience and part frustration with a nominal ally whose very presence dripped with self-important condescension and who had - perhaps even intentionally - exposed his lie. His possible reasons for insisting on keeping up his facade were troublesome to the dread priest. Either he had truly convinced himself that it was the truth in his indignation or he would not show what he viewed as weakness in front of people he so clearly disliked, and not without reason. It was both the great spice of life and its greatest tragedy that the ambitions of people so often and so inevitably set themselves against each other. He took a step back from the red woman, out of range of physical contact, for he could feel her manas and they were those of a bloodchild. [color=FAF0E6]"I thank you - in truth and not only perfunctory gentleness - for making me aware of this situation. Should Reshta see fit to spill my blood so that others may benefit, then I suspect that she will do so. For the time being, I shall have to decline."[/color] He bowed his head briefly in regard. Desmond was storming away and Matthew hesitated. It could be a trap. Some instinct said that he shouldn't trust this man. Some other also said that, for all of his capability and self-assuredness, he was a lost soul in some measure, and was it not the duty of a brother of the church to offer some kindness to just such people? Against his better judgement, Brother Lamb went to follow him. [color=FAF0E6]"You know,"[/color] he called out, not unaware of the comings and goings of others nearby, [color=FAF0E6]"if you cut the act and speak full truths instead of half, you might find me not nearly so hostile as you'd imagined."[/color] Even sympathetic, he thought, not quite saying it. For all that was said and done her expression was as it was, one of stone. What possible intent any could study from it would be the result of projection for it held no emotion to scrutinize. She waited for him to finish his polite declination. [color=crimson]"A good day to you then."[/color] Her voice was monotone as ever, flatter than the still waters of a calm lake. Only by reaching out and scanning her brain with magic could one discern that the overall emotion behind this mask was one disappointment. Another opportunity squashed, just like back at the yasoi tavern. So much to discover, bogarted by fools who'd rather sit in the dark before even considering what more there could be to this material world. Still, he seemed to show some interest in possibly talking to Desmond as the priest had walked off and begun speaking to him as they continued on. It seemed she would be of no use here, following would only sour the priest's mood further. Perhaps Desmond wasn't wrong about their mutual understanding after all. Perhaps she should just keep to what she knows best. Her brother warned her not to alienate herself from the people she was trying to help but her journey was a thankless one. She was well aware this would be the case. She didn't need to be happy. She simply needed to succeed. Desmond walks away as he puts his hands in his pockets, he was just gonna leave, and honestly he is. Yet he hears a voice cut from behind him as he turns his head and peeks Brother Lamb following. Desmond winces in annoyance as he continued to walk. When he heard the man talking to him, Desmond spits out, [color=gold]"Yeah yeah yeah, what'd you want?"[/color] [color=FAF0E6]"To speak frankly,"[/color] replied the priest, approaching. Blond hair and leaner figure aside, there was an almost uncanny resemblance between the two young men. [color=FAF0E6]"That's all. I think I've proven I am what I say I am and I do what I say I'll do."[/color] He shrugged. [color=FAF0E6]"So I want you to square with me. I don't think your motives are bad ones. I don't think your reasons for stealing are. I just don't think you've thought everything all the way through, to be honest."[/color] He came to a stop. [color=FAF0E6]"There are too many variables in play and not enough information. That's rarely a good formula."[/color] Desmond heard Brother Lamb speak as he rolled his eyes, as he heard the man's feet stop moving as he turned on his heels to look at the man. They both stood at almost identical heights which made it easy for their eyes to meet as Desmond looked to the man thinking he was daft as Desmond knew the exact same. There are many variables, many of which Desmond is trying to figure out, as was the reason he thought Trypano was a good partner for this. Desmond knew he was in over his head, its how he's always been, living a life he has, you had to. Too much information given to a mercenary could lead to your enemy being able to pay off the men you hired to get that information. Desmond looked to the man as he said, [color=gold]"Yeah, it is as it is. There are many things I am trying to figure out at the moment, it is the life that I have lead. So what about it? You trying to steer me some way?"[/color][/hider] [hr][color=gold][center][h1]Slaughter[/h1][/center][/color][hr] [u][color=gold]Interaction:[/color][/u] Highstakes[hr] [hider=Arrival]Desmond, Trypano, Silas and Brother Wolf/Matthew made their way over to the colosseum as Desmond split of and headed towards his room. He needed his weapons, they had to try and save Brother Ash and he was in serious trouble. As Desmond grabbed his gear, he took off, running with his gear knowing where Century are moving so he can avoid them to get to the colosseum without being stopped and interrogated. As once he met up with the others they made it to the scene of the fighting where everything was hellish. Matthew instantly used his powers to COMMAND Sunny to attack the others as Silas attempted to misdirect them. However, Yuliya did something terrible, as the information given instantly made her do a kinetic pull that destroyed buildings, houses, shops, everything in the area was pulled. Men, women, children, none were safe from the indiscriminate wrath of this strange woman. Desmond's eyes flashed with anger, he whipped his gun around and pulled the trigger, as Yuliya whipped the bullet from the air as Luna and Trypano prepare to attack. The only words that left Yuliya's mouth was [color=pink]"You fell for spell or what?"[/color]. Desmond barked back, [color=gold]"No you fucking psycho!!"[/color] As Yuliya seemed to try and attempt something, Yuliya fell to the internal attack of Trypano as Luna still had to contend with her own sister. Unable to detect where the interference is coming from, Luna shows up beside the downed Yuliya. "Stupid girl." She shakes her head. She is almost certain now that the sanguinaire is still out there. She crouches and completes some healing but ensures that the junior sanguinaire remains unconscious. A COMMAND is issued. As all but Evander, Desmond, Trypano, Silas, and Yuliya stood up straight almost as if controlled as they walk over and surround the now revealed Brother Wolf. The man cut the silence and worry with [color=FAF0E6]"We should speak,"[/color] says the dread priest frankly.[/hider] [hider=Revelations and Revelations] Evander shrugs off the command. He watches his classmates rise in formation and encircle the Dread Priest acting as his shield. Evander postures up drawing in and responds to the Dread Priest, [color=BC3823]"then speak."[/color] Brother Wolf plucked three hairs from his head unceremoniously. He handed them to Silas. Out of nowhere, he produced a pin and pricked his finger with it. He dabbed it on a handkerchief. [color=FAF0E6]"The sanguinaire you have faced today is known to me and known to the church. He shall be held to account for his actions."[/color] The dread priest folded the kerchief. [color=FAF0E6]"While the force that he - and your teammate - used was unacceptable, as was the collateral that they caused, he was after bigger prey: prey that threatens this establishment and everything that it stands for."[/color] Wolf looked uneasy, glancing at Evander and the others, as if hesitant to say more. Evander could sense Wolf's hesitation, [color=BC3823]"What prey?"[/color] He stepped forward, [color=BC3823]"As students who are apart of this establishment and everything it stands for, we should know."[/color] He paused, [color=BC3823]"And why are you are still holding these students up if you are here to stand for the school?"[/color] [color=FAF0E6]"Those who I trust with this information are able to hear it. Those who I do not trust, will remember nothing. Count yourself fortunate."[/color] [color=gold]"Huh, I see, well then he seems to be on a leash a little too loose"[/color] Desmond said while he leaned on his rifle. Trypano nodded. [color=crimson]"I understand the need for secrecy. Still, if it threatens the lives of those within these walls then it behooves us to protect them."[/color] She cast a glance to those injured and unconscious around them, their safety taking a brief backseat to the conversation. Ymiico sensing and vaguely hearing the revelations of the priest spurred her to press on and move closer to get the full speech going on. With pain searing through her mind, she grit her teeth before rising to her knees, covered in sweat. She ran forward with her arms dangling to her side, drawing within range, but not close enough to be detected Silas rubbed the thin three hairs between his fingers and coming up short, reached up to attempt plucking two more before fleeing the chaotic scene. Silas' sneaky ploy works. He yoinks a couple of hairs and the dread priest jumps, startled. [color=FAF0E6]"What in Eshiran's name?"[/color] he retorts, rubbing at the place where they were pulled from. He is about to command the disrespectful youth but he's gone so quickly that Wolf merely arches an eyebrow. One less untrustworthy person to listen in. Sometimes, Reshta guides. From the shadows materialize three robed figures: a shapely woman in a form-fitting turqouise robe, a second, smaller woman in a grand white and gold robe, and a large man in blue, with a day's worth of stubble. The first draws quickly and casts a spell. A cone of silence drops over the area. The second begins to tend to the wounded, particularly the civilians, transporting them out of earshot with kinetic magics. The third begins to reassemble the houses and buildings with such skill that it almost looks as if time is being reversed. It isn't. [color=FAF0E6]"There is a traitor among the Arch-Zenos,"[/color] Brother Wolf says frankly, [color=FAF0E6]"and assassins within the student body: members of the Deici Volti Nascosti - an insidious group who work outside of the boundaries of the church and all decency. Their goal is nothing short of the destruction of the world order as it stands."[/color] [color=FAF0E6]"The sanguinaire's attack was originally pointedly nonlethal but he was pushed too far and his blood ran hot."[/color] The dread priest bows deeply. [color=FAF0E6]"For this, you have our sincere apologies and we will do all within our power to set the situation right and that he will face consequences for his actions."[/color] Wolf rose. [color=FAF0E6]"His goal, however, was to provoke a response from the Arch-Zeno in question so that we could deal with them and not have this appear to be the work of the church. As you may understand, relations between the Holy Sees and the Academy are... a delicate thing."[/color] Desmond nodded his head as he listened, he sighed as he rubbed the back of his head as he thought about things. He had feelings on who some of these assassins could be. Honestly he knew from a gut feeling about them, but to say anything here could make things turn hot. Desmond finally said, [color=gold]"Alright. So will these fights be happening more throughout the week? Since you guys didn't pull the Volti out like you wanted. Or is this gonna be a one and done thing where you are going back to hatch a new plan?"[/color] [color=FAF0E6]"It has failed, unfortunately."[/color] Brother Wolf looked regretful. [color=FAF0E6]"And I expect things shall not be pleasant for us when we return."[/color] The two women looked pp from their work and scowled. [color=FAF0E6]"Had I known we had such resources at the school as yourselves, we'd have reached out far sooner and far more substantially."[/color] He gave a pensive look and stroked his chin. [color=FAF0E6]"Expect more in the future. We must draw out the traitor, and likely in a more direct way, but it cannot be too obvious. It could rock the foundations of our very society."[/color] Desmond nodded his head, and sighed as he stroked his chin and then rubbed the side of his head as he said, [color=gold]"Damn, well this'll be a fun week I suppose"[/color]. Desmond sighed as he looked up and was left with many questions that he did not know where to begin with. The Why's and How's of this entire situation, the thin veils of why certain things in this place are as they are. And now he needs to worry about assassins, as a word left his mouth as he looked up in his thought, [color=gold]"Fantastic"[/color]. Desmond looked back down and said, [color=gold]"Will y'all be possibly calling on us since of what happened tonight or will this be a more solo act for your group?"[/color] Brother Wolf shook his head. [color=FAF0E6]"It will come down to the instruction we receive. I expect our leash will become much shorter after tonight."[/color] Desmond said with a monotone chuckle, [color=gold]"Yeah, fair enough"[/color]. Desmond was lost in thought after saying that, not because all his questions were answered but because of what he saw. Children injured and mangled, it was not something he was used to. He wishes for himself to never be used to it. As Desmond looked off to one of the nuns crouching to help heal a particularly mangled girl as the little girl had more or less been ripped in half. "It isn't right that they should suffer this way." The nun shook her head. She spared a resentful glance in Wolf's direction. "Our magic shouldn't be used for killing." Desmond looked and thought the child may live, but her life was completely changed. Mangled, people mangled. Men, women, children, none deserved such things. Yet blood and scorn knew neither innocence nor bystander. Desmond said as he slightly winces, [color=gold]"Not this type of killing. Nothing should be used for this type of pain"[/color] [color=FAF0E6]"We grieve for them."[/color] Brother Wolf shook his head. [color=FAF0E6]"Our only solace will be when these people are stopped and they will not be able to cause even more carnage. Utilitarian ethics are unsavoury, but sometimes necessary, as I imagine one in your line of work must be acquainted with."[/color] [color=gold]"Yeah..."[/color], Desmond said solemnly right before he sighed and put his hands to his hips. He looked up as he thought of somethings. Brother Wolf prepared multiple pieces of hair and blood for Desmond as he neared and handed it to him. Desmond sighed as he took it with a smile before he turns and begins to walk away, yet before he left fully he said, [color=gold]"If you need something. Let me help as I can. I don't like leaving shit like this. It just ain't right"[/color]. As when he continues to walk he does a final wave addressing those behind him as he says, [color=gold]"Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine”[/color].[/hider][/color]