Okay, the visiting relatives left today, I should have the place to myself tomorrow (my sister and brother-in-law do live with me, but they'll both be at work all day), so hoping to get some uninterrupted work in and have the main thread up within the next day or so. I'm also using a blank map of Old Sharlayan act as the layout of the Academy and surrounding area. And I changed it from Feywood Valley to Feywood Island, surrounded by the Endless Sea. Now, instead of the forest looping back on itself, it's the sea. I'm also having the community on the main island - Feywood Village - be the headquarters of the Commonwealth and the location of the biggest Battlemancer Arena. I figure, since we're saying Qrowdell is basically one of the most prestigious schools in the Mortal Planes where everyone is super OP, it only makes sense that is also where the Commonwealth and Battlemancer League would be headquartered at XD.