[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/DVjv2A1.png?1[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/PIt6O9j.png[/img][/center] [hr][color=gold]Location:[/color] Ersand'Enise Notcie Board [hr][color=gold]Interactions:[/color] Zarina[@YummyYummy][hr] [h2]High Steaks[/h2] [color=8882be][i]Bœuf Bourgignon?[/i][/color] Ingrid questioned. It was from, what Ingrid had known, a common stew that was meant to feed many people. A humble and hearty dish perfect for the tougher pieces of oxen. It takes time to denature the meat to tender perfection. But most of all, it isn't very pretty. It's a stew. It requires some skill but the benefit is that it is hard to mess up too badly. Ingrid was confident that she could make it well but her presentation had to be perfect. She just gave Zarina a thumbs up as she continued to think on how to best present it. Ingrid started by cleaning and peeling the vegetables. They would end up as part of the final dish so they needed to be cut with intention. How would they change over the cook? What way of cooking them made them the most delectable? Do I use some vegetables for their added flavor and make some on the side for the actual presentation, discarding the rest? Then there was the order, most of the things could be put somewhat together and would benefit from the braise. Other ones would end up as nothing and would look unappetizing. The most time consuming part was brushing the mushrooms clean to make sure no dirt or anything gets into the stew. Peeling the carrots was difficult with a less than perfect knife. She couldn't allow her compatriots to help with this as they had limited ingredients as well. Pearl onions were so pretty but a real hassle to peel. She could use some magic but she wanted to be delicate with the prep. She measured her wine and stock that was provided to make sure it was all ready for when the meat arrives.