[NPC Post] [b][color=00a651]"Fair points, all of you. It is true that crushing potential resistance one at a time is the best way to remove all threats. But our main objective is to rescue the prince. If he is moved or harmed in case we strike at the wrong location, that's a failure in the entire operation. Solomon, how far can your summoned scouts operate away from you? I will need them to keep an eye on Fanghorn. I may need you two to do the same, Cedar and Reinhold. Make sure nothing leave the village undetected."[/color][/b] That said, getting the prince out if the captors would rather execute him rather than risk his return would be... difficult, to say the least. If that was the intention then a full-frontal assault would be out of the picture, but then how else were they going to go through fortifications? Perhaps Veronica and maybe Kaito can see about infiltration before they fully commit. She'd not trust the vampire as a person, but she did trust her skillset and motivation. In a way, that's more reliable than an unconditional trust. [b][color=00a651]"If the prince is not at Pesti, we'll find and break whatever magic interference that bounced the scrying there. It'll announce our arrival, but the prospect of any stealth seems to be more and more distant the closer we get."[/color][/b]