"[color=7bcdc8]Naw-- Ain't good as daytime, but dis time a year, folks likes muh mam's out eatin' almos' e'ery night at some point. Ain't 'nuff hours in da day ta gets fed right odderwise. Mos'ly hunt'n berries, buts ya gots ta see ta fin'em. Sure, yas can smell em afore 'en, but somes ya wants ta stay 'way from the thorns an' stuffs-- like roses. Roses on dis time year. Poke yer nose what good ya ain't careful. Bit sour 'ough. Nigh'time sleepin' fer da summer and stuffs. Dis time a year, ain't nuttin but hungry, all da damn time. Damn nuisance ya ask me! --Hell, et' a whole damn kettle o' soup-- 'nuff ta feed 10 people like yaself--, an' I's STILL hungry! Win'er commin' soon.[/color]" He shook his head and flopped it like a dog shaking its ears. "[color=7bcdc8]'nyhoo-- I's all grays and stuffs. No color, but I sees da shapes fine, an' movement real good. Naow again fellar, stop holdin' out on me-- what ya lookin' at?[/color]"