[quote=@Lugubrious] Hello again! The sheet's not bad at all, but I do have a couple small notes. The personality section is a very high-level overview. Is there enough to go on there where other people could approximate how he'd act in certain situations? It's not critical to have a huge personality section, but the more you could say about how he behaves, the better. Characters with more/stronger personalities are easier and more compelling to play as, after all. Since he has an infinite amount of poison darts and blinding darts regulated by mana and cooldown, those should definitely be individual powers, and mushrooms especially since they're pretty much pure magic. I would also recommend fleshing out the Weaknesses section. You say he's tiny, but spend more time in the weakness describing how capable he is than how his size hinders him. I assume Teemo's weaknesses might also include that he's physically weak (in that he doesn't possess much physical strength, instead relying on his kit of tricks) and doesn't have much defense or health. [/quote] Amended.