Any innuendo present in Cecilia's statement went flying over the spider lady's head, with a cheerful acquiescence to the idea of more company as the ball went on--and, with her other companion now being dragged off, she carefully turned around to join in (as much as possible) with Lilette's conversation. On the other hand, Lilia's startled reaction to being dragged around was hard to follow. Although the elf half-drew her sword, the speed with which she stopped and sheathed it made it seem like nothing more than a trick of the light, the tall girl recovering her footing and stepping onto the dance floor with polished grace... and then standing there looking ever-so-slightly puzzled. Clearly, although she was every bit co-ordinated enough, she had [i]no[/i] idea how to actually go about dancing. Or, from the luminescent blush, any idea of how to admit this. Hopefully her partner was better at leading despite the height gap. [hr] [h2]Tyaethe[/h2] "It's easy to follow but you would be [i]very[/i] surprised how many have trouble grasping the laces," the vampire answered, drinking the glass in her hand. Hmm, she'd probably have to go back for another one in a second... well, these two were nearly done, so that wouldn't be too hard. Although, they did display an incentive to never bother with such articles of clothing, and Tyaethe did her best to avoid anything that would get too restrictive if a fight broke out. Even a long dress ilke the one she was currently wearing could be easily adjusted without decency issues. Not needing one more than half the time was another bonus. There was probably something insulting in the Hundi's words, but really, did she want to waste the effort? Honestly, the paladin hadn't [i]any[/i] clue where the animosity came from; 'stop trying to cart things out the front door where I can see' was not a difficult restriction to get around, she wasn't that much into discipline. "Oh, if anyone important works out who you are, I'm sure there'll be gossip."