[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/780660253447421973/1047219471938506832/2E0DEE72-3F3C-49BF-8745-3DB7CBD78758.png[/img][/center] [hr] Captain Kura's spy cam switches over to Slink's room, only to show a black screen. It had been like that for a week or so with him making renovations to his room. But the space rodent hadn't really blacked out the cam, Kura's discerning eye could pick up traces of discoloration and dust on the surface. It was Slink's newest addition of a giant black cube in the middle of his quarters. An arm popped into the view then half the rodents body as he passed by, crawling like a gecko across the surface. The sheer proximity of Slink to the camera's lens made it evident that there couldn't be much more than the rodent's width between the cube and the wall. Certainly the Saiyan warrior would have no dream of accessing the room without destroying something. Just what the hell was he doing in there? [hr] Slink couldn't be more at home with his new addition. No one would be able to reach him in here. Not even the crew. It not necessarily because he didn't trust the crew, which to be sure he doesn't trust them. He just felt at home in enclosed spaces, being out in the open brought nothing but unnecessary stress. Plus his new metallic labyrinth of choking crawl space had everything. A bedroll to sleep on, a surface to eat on, and a soundproof box for tests. On weekends, he does all three things in the same place. That is a treat. [color=a187be]"Rise and shine, crew. Get your asses to the Mission Deck in ten, gotta brief everyone before we touch down."[/color] [color=007236][i]Captain pays bills, I should make pace. Take the fastest route.[/i][/color] Slink crawled along the cube and up top to the place where the cube's vent meet the ship's. As if it were an everyday occurrence, which is was, he popped the grate of and slipped into the ship's ductwork. [hr] From the ceiling of the mission deck, the rodent descended down. Head first, then body with the tail supporting the weight as he inched closer to the set. And finally, a short drop into his seat.