[hider= CALEB VALENTINE | HYBRID ] [color=BFAFB2][CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/s3Y5sox.png[/img][/CENTER] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SX1MO-ywRFEc][β™«][/url][/center][sub][/sub] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/46/2a/14/462a14be14e10d527402076e23adcfb9.png[/img] [color=BFAFB2][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/AvOrQD9.png[/img][/center] [center][sub][color=#A63346]β„­π”žπ”©π”’π”Ÿ π”³π”žπ”©π”’π”«π”±π”¦π”«π”’[/color] [color=#A63346]|[/color] π”…π”¦π”°π”’π”΅π”²π”žπ”© [color=#A63346]|[/color] [color=#A63346] #A63346[/color] [color=#A63346]|[/color] π”™π”žπ”ͺ𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔒/π”šπ”’π”―π”’π”΄π”¬π”©π”£ β„Œπ”Άπ”Ÿπ”―π”¦π”‘ [color=#A63346]✧[/color] ✧ [color=#A63346]✧[/color] ✧ [color=#A63346]✧[/color] ✧ [color=#A63346]✧[/color] ✧ [color=#A63346]✧[/color] ✧ [color=#A63346]✧[/color] ✧ πŸšπŸ› [color=#A63346]|[/color] π”π”žπ”©π”’ [color=#A63346]|[/color] 6𝔣𝔱 [color=#A63346]|[/color] 𝔉𝔦𝔣𝔱π”₯ [color=#A63346]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=#A63346]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=#A63346]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=#A63346]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=#A63346]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=#A63346]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ β˜€ ARTICULATE [color=#A63346]|[/COLOR] INTUITIVE [color=#A63346]|[/COLOR] CAREFUL [color=#A63346]|[/COLOR] DECISIVE ☁ CRUEL [color=#A63346]|[/COLOR] DISMISSIVE [color=#A63346]|[/COLOR] APATHETIC [color=#A63346]|[/COLOR] DECEIVING [color=#A63346]|[/COLOR] HAUGHTY [color=#A63346]|[/COLOR] SELFISH [color=#A63346]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=#A63346]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=#A63346]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=#A63346]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=#A63346]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=#A63346]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [/sub] [hider=β–Ώ β–΅ β–Ώ β–΅] [sub][COLOR=BFAFB2][i] [sub][b][color=#A63346]LIKES[/color][/b][/sub] cigarettes βœ™ books βœ™ cloudy days βœ™ fireplaces βœ™ drawing βœ™ thunderstorms βœ™ abandoned buildings βœ™ bookmarks that aren't really bookmarks βœ™ blood βœ™ coffee βœ™ piano βœ™ drawn out pain βœ™ [s]intimacy[/s] [sub][b][color=#A63346]DISLIKES[/color][/b][/sub] small talk βœ™ sunny days βœ™ social media βœ™ clutter βœ™ scarecrows βœ™ pop music βœ™ being told what to do βœ™ distractions [/i][/COLOR][/sub][/hider][/center] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/53/e5/77/53e5771090fac931c870a55f2390cd21.gif[/img] [CENTER] [/center] [center][/center] [/cell][cell][sub][b][color=#A63346] s k Γ­ l l s & w Ρ” Ξ± k n Ρ” s s Ρ” s [/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=BFAFB2]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color][/sup][/sub] [color=BFAFB2] [sub][img]https://i.imgur.com/tBXdiHa.png[/img][/sub] [sub]✑ [b]Astute[/b] ✑ [color=#A63346] fine tuned senses and a sharp mind gravitate Caleb towards details and intricacies. Though it often does not appear so, he pays attention to everything and anything, easily spotting the subtleties that others may miss. It is for this reason that his tracking and hunting skills are beyond that of many of his peers.[/color] ✑ [b]Instinctive[/b] ✑ [color=#A63346] Caleb has great instincts and a knack for knowing when to trust them. It has gotten him and his brother out of trouble on more than one occasion.[/color] ✑ [b]Intelligent[/b] ✑ [color=#A63346] a quick learner and intelligent to boot, he finds his studies easy and even boring at times.[/color] ✑ [b]Full moon rising[/b] ✑ [color=#A63346] the full moon does not affect the valentine twins as it does their werewolf peers. Their senses and physical abilities are heightened beyond what a vampire normally experiences, and their bloodlust reaches a nearly irresistible peak. A strength for sure if they were allowed to hunt, but as they are not, they must be simply content with trying to manage these urges. [/color] [/sub] [sub][img]https://i.imgur.com/gufgEqo.png[/img][/sub] [sub]✑ [b]Pride[/b] ✑ [color=#A63346]once Caleb has made up his mind about something, it is difficult to convince him otherwise. And once he decides he does not like someone, he will be intent on disliking them forever.[/color] ✑ [b]Dismissive[/b] ✑ [color=#A63346]he is not apt to care about the opinions or whims of others. If it does not please him, he will not do it. [/color] ✑ [b]Overload[/b] ✑ [color=#A63346]though not an issue most of the time, during the full moon Caleb will be overwhelmed by the intensity of his senses, such that it can be at best a mild annoyance and at the worst totally incapacitating.[/color] [/sub][/color] [sub][img]https://i.imgur.com/shPmqIb.png[/img][/sub] [sub][sup][color=BFAFB2]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color][/sup][/sub] [sub][color=#A63346] ➽[/color]➽[color=#A63346]➽[/color] revenge[/sub] [sub][img]https://i.imgur.com/XYzjL3R.png[/img][/sub] [sub][sup][color=BFAFB2]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color][/sup][/sub] [sub][color=#A63346] ➽[/color]➽[color=#A63346]➽[/color] that he will never taste real blood[/sub] [sub][img]https://i.imgur.com/XrIbaF4.png[/img][/sub] [sub][sup][color=BFAFB2]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color][/sup][/sub] [hider=β–Ώ β–΅ β–Ώ β–΅][color=BFAFB2] [hider=The Valentines] The Valentines, once known as Valentinus, were an ancient and once well respected family. The true origin of their line is not known, the oral histories becoming muddled once one reaches the Medieval times, but it likely they are one of the oldest. In their more recent past they spent much time in Saxony before moving to Britain, where they settled for the last several centuries. The Valentines were also prone to their proclivities and attraction towards everything wicked. There were always rumours that they did not stick to the Academies strict rules around hunting mortals but none of the members were ever caught doing such scandalous things, and so they stayed as rumours. An outspoken family, they were never afraid of disagreeing with the other supernaturals. [/hider] [hider=The Romance] When [url=https://64.media.tumblr.com/7072ac5a25e0a56e57487ecc0fac6406/bf7eaf45c4438cb5-c4/s540x810/8b1bb803fbb64673f21589e8993a0ab691c0eeaa.jpg]Esmerelda[/url] was born the Valentines had become a fixture in London, and were well known amongst all of the most important in society. As the world modernised they specialised as hedge fund managers, had a large role in the stock market and consequently, as with most of the older vampire families, were stinking rich. But Esme had been born in the early 1800's and as time went on, she grew bored with her life. Many of her elders were drawn to the anonymity of the cities, where they could pass by unseen and gather their wealth. But she instead chose to make her way north, eventually finding herself in the wilds of Scotland. It was not a normal path for a vampire for sure but the cloudy days made it easy for her to be outside without suffering, and she enjoyed the peace that the vast emptiness brought. And it was during this time that she stumbled across a wolf. He had been out stalking for prey and it was only mutual curiosity that prevented either from attacking the other. Their time together was short but intense, and it was only when his pack began to suspect his movements, that they took their separate paths. [/hider] [hider=The Twins] Born to the most forbidden of unions, the twins were never destined to have the life of ease that their forbearers had come to know. But sin and lust were no strangers to their family and they did not turn away Esmerelda. Whilst pregnant and during the very early years of the boys she was kept sequestered away, watched over by a wizard by the name of [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/91/da/bb/91dabbd04edcc97a760a284dd5eebb50.jpg]Jupiter[/url] who had been a close confidant of the family for many years. It worked, until they were two, but deceit is not easy to keep ahold of and eventually her transgressions became known. It is a vague memory to Caleb, more a hazy series of images, but he was there when they came. When they tortured. When they killed. And the child did not turn away; he watched seemingly impassively as his mother was torn away from him forever. It was only the quick thinking of Jupiter that saved the two young boys, and it was he who was able to get them away from the burning home and the horrors that one of the twins had seen. Even for the rest of the family, there was no going back to their old lives of splendour and wealth. They were ostracised; becoming the outcasts of outcasts. The elders retreated to one of their homes in the countryside of Surrey. Caleb and Charlie likely would have gone with them but it quickly become apparent that there were vampires out there who felt their lives should be ended as their mothers was. So instead they were placed under the charge of Jupiter. The wizard had never been one to settle down in one place, and so they moved from place to place, even straying to mainland Europe on occasion. This benefited the boys, who were able to hide from anyone who might hurt them and learn to manage their sanguinary urges away from prying eyes. There were so few hybrids in history that they had no-one to learn from and even as young children their bloodlust around the time of the full moon was strong & difficult to control. It was only Jupiter who kept them from causing any real damage, particularly Caleb who would have killed many mortals over the years if he had been allowed. Even as he grew older Caleb struggled to understand why he should not be allowed to hunt & feed. It was not like that of other vampires who felt it was their 'birthright' but more a simple and instinctive need to capture and take down prey. He and Jupiter had many blow outs over the years about this and eventually the boy became sullen, instead directing his carnal anger towards those who had killed his mother. As they entered their teenage years it fell on Charlie to follow his brother whenever Caleb managed to escape Jupiters watchful eye, and though they had many close calls, he was always able to calm him down before he truly hurt someone. [/hider] [/color][/hider] [/cell][/row][/table][/color][hr] [/hider] [hider= CHARLIE VALENTINE | HYBRID ] [color=BFAFB2][CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/BPsl5gh.png[/img][/CENTER] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkhWzp1hNBY][β™«][/url][/center][sub][/sub] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [img]https://i.imgur.com/GozgkpT.jpg[/img] [color=BFAFB2][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/chalk-fonts/][img]https://i.imgur.com/uuVOB9u.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][sub][color=#899EB7]β„­π”₯π”žπ”―π”©π”¦π”’ π”™π”žπ”©π”’π”«π”±π”¦π”«π”’[/color] [color=#899EB7]|[/color] π”…π”¦π”°π”’π”΅π”²π”žπ”© [color=#899EB7]|[/color] [color=#899EB7] #899EB7[/color] [color=#899EB7]|[/color] π”™π”žπ”ͺ𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔒/𝔴𝔒𝔯𝔒𝔴𝔬𝔩𝔣 π”₯π”Άπ”Ÿπ”―π”¦π”‘ [color=#899EB7]✧[/color] ✧ [color=#899EB7]✧[/color] ✧ [color=#899EB7]✧[/color] ✧ [color=#899EB7]✧[/color] ✧ [color=#899EB7]✧[/color] ✧ [color=#899EB7]✧[/color] ✧ πŸšπŸ› [color=#899EB7]|[/color] π”π”žπ”©π”’ [color=#899EB7]|[/color] 6𝔣𝔱 [color=#899EB7]|[/color] 𝔉𝔦𝔣𝔱π”₯ [color=#899EB7]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=#899EB7]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=899EB7]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=899EB7]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=899EB7]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=#899EB7]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ β˜€ Playful | Lively | Curious | Athletic | Charismatic | Adventurous | Self-possessed | Kind | Constant ☁ Flippant | Provocative | Insolent | Messy | Boisterous | Unpolished | Tense [color=#899EB7]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=#899EB7]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=#899EB7]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=#899EB7]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=#899EB7]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=#899EB7]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [/sub] [hider=β–Ώ β–΅ β–Ώ β–΅] [sub][COLOR=BFAFB2][i] [sub][b][color=#899EB7]LIKES[/color][/b][/sub] video games βœ™ sitting on rooftops βœ™ pranks βœ™ piano βœ™ stars βœ™ surprises βœ™ cliff diving βœ™ open windows βœ™ flirting βœ™ walking around with bare feet βœ™ praise βœ™ long, hot showers [sub][b][color=#899EB7]DISLIKES[/color][/b][/sub] dull conversation βœ™ the full moon βœ™ magic lessons βœ™ closed spaces βœ™ inactivity βœ™ being ignored βœ™ high pitched noises [/i][/COLOR][/sub][/hider][/center] [CENTER] [/center] [/cell][cell][sub][b][color=#899EB7] s k Γ­ l l s & w Ρ” Ξ± k n Ρ” s s Ρ” s [/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=BFAFB2]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color][/sup][/sub] [color=BFAFB2] [sub][img]https://i.imgur.com/SkU4xbh.png[/img][/sub] [sub]✑ [b]Agile[/b] ✑ [color=#899EB7]the blood of a hybrid and a personality that always keeps him moving has granted Charlie with a light tread and ease of movement. He feels at one with his body and trusts it to do as he wishes. He particularly enjoys climbing and has received frequent punishments for lounging on the school rooftops.[/color] ✑[b] In control[/b] ✑ [color=#899EB7]although he still struggles, Charlie has a much easier time with controlling his bloodlust and recently has even been able to manage his urges during the full moon. He still does not trust himself around mortals at these times but he does not lose himself to the haze.[/color][/sub] [sub]✑ [b]Full moon rising[/b] ✑ [color=#899EB7] the full moon does not affect the valentine twins as it does their werewolf peers. Their senses and physical abilities are heightened beyond what a vampire normally experiences, and their bloodlust reaches a nearly irresistible peak. A strength for sure if they were allowed to hunt, but as they are not, they must be simply content with trying to manage these urges. [/color][/sub] [sub][img]https://i.imgur.com/mVNvGIP.png[/img][/sub] [sub]✑ [b]Incendiary[/b] ✑ [color=#899EB7]Charlie has never been a wallflower. He enjoys riling people up and prompting a reaction, and as amusing as this may be to him, it has landed him in trouble on many occasions.[/color] [/sub][/color] [sub]✑ [b]Heedless[/b] ✑ [color=#899EB7]he is not the best at picking up on cues or the smaller details in things. He finds it tiresome and boring if made to pay attention to something for too long.[/color][/sub] [sub]✑ [b]Overload[/b] ✑ [color=#899EB7]though not an issue most of the time, during the full moon Charlie will be overwhelmed by the intensity of his senses, such that it can be at best a mild annoyance and at the worst totally incapacitating.[/color][/sub] [sub][img]https://i.imgur.com/pklA6GQ.png[/img][/sub] [sub][sup][color=BFAFB2]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color][/sup][/sub] [sub][color=#899EB7] ➽[/color]➽[color=#899EB7]➽[/color]To have a home, with family around him.[/sub] [sub][img]https://i.imgur.com/pZby0kZ.png[/img][/sub] [sub][sup][color=BFAFB2]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color][/sup][/sub] [sub][color=#899EB7] ➽[/color]➽[color=#899EB7]➽[/color]That he will never be accepted as a hybrid and will remain an outcast.[/sub] [sub][b] [color=#899EB7]Π² Γ­ Οƒ g r Ξ± p h Ρ‡[/color] [/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=BFAFB2]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color][/sup][/sub] [hider=β–Ώ β–΅ β–Ώ β–΅][color=BFAFB2] [hider=The Valentines] The Valentines, once known as Valentinus, were an ancient and once well respected family. The true origin of their line is not known, the oral histories becoming muddled once one reaches the Medieval times, but it likely they are one of the oldest. In their more recent past they spent much time in Saxony before moving to Britain, where they settled for the last several centuries. The Valentines were also prone to their proclivities and attraction towards everything wicked. There were always rumours that they did not stick to the Academies strict rules around hunting mortals but none of the members were ever caught doing such scandalous things, and so they stayed as rumours.[/hider] [hider=The Romance] When [url=https://64.media.tumblr.com/7072ac5a25e0a56e57487ecc0fac6406/bf7eaf45c4438cb5-c4/s540x810/8b1bb803fbb64673f21589e8993a0ab691c0eeaa.jpg]Esmerelda[/url] was born the Valentines had become a fixture in London, and were well known amongst all of the most important in society. As the world modernised they specialised as hedge fund managers, had a large role in the stock market and consequently, as with most of the older vampire families, were stinking rich. But Esme had been born in the early 1800's and as time went on, she grew bored with her life. Many of her elders were drawn to the anonymity of the cities, where they could pass by unseen and gather their wealth. But she instead chose to make her way north, eventually finding herself in the wilds of Scotland. It was not a normal path for a vampire for sure but the cloudy days made it easy for her to be outside without suffering, and she enjoyed the peace that the vast emptiness brought. And it was during this time that she stumbled across a wolf. He had been out stalking for prey and it was only mutual curiosity that prevented either from attacking the other. Their time together was short but intense, and it was only when his pack began to suspect his movements, that they took their separate paths. [/hider] [hider=The Twins] Born to the most forbidden of unions, the twins were never destined to have the life of ease that their forbearers had come to know. But sin and lust were no strangers to their family and they did not turn away Esmerelda. Whilst pregnant and during the very early years of the boys she was kept sequestered away, watched over by a wizard by the name of [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/91/da/bb/91dabbd04edcc97a760a284dd5eebb50.jpg]Jupiter[/url] who had been a close confidant of the family for many years. It worked, until they were two, but deceit is not easy to keep ahold of and eventually her transgressions became known. It is a vague memory to Caleb, more a hazy series of images, but he was there when they came. When they tortured. When they killed. And the child did not turn away; he watched seemingly impassively as his mother was torn away from him forever. It was only the quick thinking of Jupiter that saved the two young boys, and it was he who was able to get them away from the burning home and the horrors that one of the twins had seen. Even for the rest of the family, there was no going back to their old lives of splendour and wealth. They were ostracised; becoming the outcasts of outcasts. The elders retreated to one of their homes in the countryside of Surrey. Caleb and Charlie likely would have gone with them but it quickly become apparent that there were vampires out there who felt their lives should be ended as their mothers was. So instead they were placed under the charge of Jupiter. The wizard had never been one to settle down in one place, and so they moved from place to place, even straying to mainland Europe on occasion. This benefited the boys, who were able to hide from anyone who might hurt them and learn to manage their sanguinary urges away from prying eyes. There were so few hybrids in history that they had no-one to learn from and even as young children their bloodlust around the time of the full moon was strong & difficult to control. It was only Jupiter who kept them from causing any real damage, particularly Caleb who would have killed many mortals over the years if he had been allowed. Even as he grew older Caleb struggled to understand why he should not be allowed to hunt & feed. It was not like that of other vampires who felt it was their 'birthright' but more a simple and instinctive need to capture and take down prey. He and Jupiter had many blow outs over the years about this and eventually the boy became sullen, instead directing his carnal anger towards those who had killed his mother. As they entered their teenage years it fell on Charlie to follow his brother whenever Caleb managed to escape Jupiters watchful eye, and though they had many close calls, he was always able to calm him down before he truly hurt someone. [/hider] [/color][/hider] [/cell][/row][/table][/color][hr] [/hider] [hider= DARYA VOLKOVA | WEREWOLF ] [color=lavenderblush][CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/vT34pHL.png[/img][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/68/6c/fb/686cfb758143a43184c85b70619e40cc.jpg[/img] [color=gray][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color] [center][/center] [center][sub][color=lavenderblush]π”‡π”žπ”―π”Άπ”ž 'π”‡π”žπ”°π”₯π”ž' π”™π”¬π”©π”¨π”¬π”³π”ž[/color] [color=lavenderblush]|[/color] π”˜π”«π”°π”²π”―π”’ [color=lavenderblush]|[/color] [color=lavenderblush]lavenderblush[/color] [color=lavenderblush]|[/color] 𝔴𝔒𝔯𝔒𝔴𝔬𝔩𝔣 [color=lavenderblush]✧[/color] ✧ [color=lavenderblush]✧[/color] ✧ [color=lavenderblush]✧[/color] ✧ [color=lavenderblush]✧[/color] ✧ [color=lavenderblush]✧[/color] ✧ [color=lavenderblush]✧[/color] ✧ πŸ™πŸ  [color=lavenderblush]|[/color] 𝔣𝔒π”ͺπ”žπ”©π”’ [color=lavenderblush]|[/color] 𝟝'𝟚" [color=lavenderblush]|[/color] 𝔣𝔦𝔯𝔰𝔱 [color=lavenderblush]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=lavenderblush]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=lavenderblush]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=lavenderblush]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=lavenderblush]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=lavenderblush]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ β˜€ Loyal | Gentle | Kind | Diligent | Hardworking | Earnest ☁ Cautious | Unsure | Cagey | Shy | Naive | Fearful [color=lavenderblush]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=lavenderblush]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=lavenderblush]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=lavenderblush]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=lavenderblush]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=lavenderblush]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [/sub] [hider=β–Ώ β–΅ β–Ώ β–΅] [sub][COLOR=lavenderblush][i] [sub][b][color=lavenderblush]LIKES[/color][/b][/sub] gentle scratches against her skin β˜† having her hair brushed β˜† heavy snowfall β˜† a cold breeze β˜† hot chocolate with too many marshmallows β˜† getting caught in the rain β˜† running β˜† sleeping under a pile of cozy blankets β˜† candles β˜† nice smells β˜† jumping in puddles β˜† dancing β˜† she likes the ideas of dying her hair although she has never done it [sub][b][color=lavenderblush]DISLIKES[/color][/b][/sub] crowded rooms β˜† cheaters β˜† humans of any form β˜† guns β˜† sudden loud noises β˜† her nightmares β˜† olives or anything that is too salty β˜† being the centre of attention β˜† cramped spaces β˜† feeling trapped β˜† fireworks β˜† beer [/i][/COLOR][/sub][/hider][/center] [CENTER] [/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1HNBSBB.gif[/img][/center] [/cell][cell][sub][b][color=lavenderblush] s k Γ­ l l s & w Ρ” Ξ± k n Ρ” s s Ρ” s [/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=lavenderblush]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color][/sup][/sub] [sub][img]https://i.imgur.com/ym1cNPX.png[/img][/sub] [sub][color=white][b]β˜† Loyal β˜†[/b][/color] Once Dasha has decided to befriend someone, she will stick by them to the bitter end. There is very little that can cause her loyalty to waver and although it may take her time to trust others, once she does, she will always be there for them. [/sub] [sub][b][color=white]β˜† Lightning quick β˜†[/color][/b] [color=lavenderblush]In both human and wolf forms, Dasha is incredibly fast and it is one of her favourite things in the world to run. There are not many people who can keep up with her and that makes her feel safe, even if this skill only comes from a lifetime of fleeing.[/color][/sub] [sub][b][color=white]β˜† Wild child β˜†[/color][/b] [color=lavenderblush]Dashas survival skills are sharply honed and are even in some ways more instinctive to her than more normal experiences such as sleeping in a bed or cleaning oneself in a bathtub. She knows where to find food (and what things are inedible), how to build shelters, how to craft rudimentary weapons, and most importantly, how to keep out of sight of humans. She does not mind being caught out in adverse weather conditions and in fact, often relishes being in the rain or snow.[/color][/sub] [sub][img]https://i.imgur.com/fjXHmCT.png[/img][/sub] [sub][b][color=white]β˜† To transform or not to transform β˜†[/color][/b] [color=lavenderblush]Past experiences have made Dasha extremely nervous about transforming into her wolf form, so much so that she will go to any lengths to avoid it. It is such nerves that makes it difficult for her to transform even if she wants to and can lead to highly embarrassing situations. She is not particularly fond of the full moon for this same reason.[/color][/sub] [sub][b][color=white]β˜† Nightmares β˜†[/color][/b] [color=lavenderblush] For as long as she can remember, Dasha has suffered with terrifying nightmares. She knows they have no meaning to them, or assumes so, but they plague her sleeping hours and often even slip into her waking thoughts. On occasion she has even sleptwalked during her nightmares, which doesn't typically end well, particularly when one is living in a dormitory room.[/color][/sub] [sub][b][color=white]β˜† Diffident β˜†[/color][/b] [color=lavenderblush] The majority of her childhood was spent with her clan and her clan alone. Any interaction she had with others was usually in the form of them trying to kill her. It is for this reason that Dasha is extremely cautious and shy around others. She doesn't particularly relish being in her own company but is extremely wary of putting herself out there, and will often end up wandering around alone rather than risk speaking to a stranger.[/color][/sub] [sub][b][color=lavenderblush]OUTLOOK / IDEALS / PERSPECTIVE [/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=lavenderblush]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color][/sup][/sub] [sub]Of all the creatures in the world, it is humans that Darya fears the most. Even after a year of being in Scotland, she is still extremely wary around them and would prefer to avoid them altogether. She is unsure therefore how she feels about witches & wizards, having never come across any of their kind before attending Hawthorne Academy. The fact that they are the ones who have placed so many limitations on both werewolves and vampires alike, makes her wary of their motives, and she can see how they could easily use their magic against them. She finds vampires and sirens intriguing, with their beauty and charismatic ways. They are so very different from herself and although she knows werewolves are meant to bear a hatred towards vampires, her clan were far too preoccupied with trying to escape the cruel grip of humans to ever really instil such a dislike into her. Werewolves are her comfort zone. They are familiar and remind her of being with her pack. She would feel completely at ease with them if there were not the pressure and expectation to transform. [/sub] [sub][img]https://i.imgur.com/WorMuUy.png[/img][/sub] [sub][sup][color=lavenderblush]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color][/sup][/sub] [sub][color=lavenderblush] ➽[/color]➽[color=lavenderblush]➽[/color]To be free of fear and terror. To live a peaceful life. To also perhaps be able to do something that allows her to run...a lot.[/sub] [sub][img]https://i.imgur.com/Lr0ytKX.png[/img][/sub] [sub][sup][color=lavenderblush]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color][/sup][/sub] [sub][color=lavenderblush] ➽[/color]➽[color=lavenderblush]➽[/color]Of being tracked...chased...hunted once more.[/sub] [sub][b] [color=lavenderblush]Π² Γ­ Οƒ g r Ξ± p h Ρ‡[/color] [/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=lavenderblush]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color][/sup][/sub] [hider=β–Ώ β–΅ β–Ώ β–΅][color=lavenderblush] Russia has never been a good place for werewolves. The humans always sought to hunt them and this only worsened with the advent of technology, each trap all the more lethal. As the modern day creeped upon the packs, they were driven north, into the frozen tundras, where food was scare and life in human form extremely difficult. The Volkova clan had been used to living on the fringes of society but they did not do so quietly. Aleksander, Dashas father, was a hotheaded wolf and only grew more bitter about how they were treated, many of his relatives having died as they were hunted & killed. He would strike back, seeking to kill those who sought to end his line, and for a time was successful. Yet, the more they killed, the more they drew attention to themselves. And eventually they were found. The clan had tended to stay near cities, where the people they sought lived, but they were forced to head north. The peninsula they found themselves on was barely habitable for humans and the family spent much of their time in their wolf forms. Dasha however, struggled. She had been able to in the past but now...now she found she could not. Her mother and father spent much time with her, trying to make her feel more comfortable in that form, but on the few occasions she did transform, it would be only a matter of minutes before she turned back. Left with little in the way of options, it was decided that Dasha could not stay in the Tundra. She would not be able to survive and going back South would mean risking death at the hands of the humans. So instead, the Volkovas found her passage to Scotland. They of course knew of Hawthorne Academy and so sent her there, with only a letter and a small amount of money. Dasha cried when she left her family but knew she had little choice, and at only a month shy of 17, did she arrive in Scotland. She could not join the academy for she was too young but the headmaster did allow her to live there, putting her to work on simple chores for the school to earn her keep. It was for the first time in her life that Dasha felt truly safe and she was able to watch the students from afar, slowly becoming accustomed to their ways. The humans still scared her of course but they did not seem so bad here, at least at a distance. A year later she became old enough to enter the academy and so she did. All she really wants at heart is to live a peaceful life, but she does wonder perhaps if she will need to go back to Russia, to learn a way to help save her family and prevent them from being hunted ever again... [/color][/hider] [/cell][/row][/table][/color] [/hider] [hider= SAMANTHA RYEO | SIREN] [color=#CEADFF][CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/fJc30lJ.png[/img][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/2c/18/36/2c1836f39913493c32868cf0dbf35c86.jpg[/img] [color=gray][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color] [center][/center] [center][sub][color=#CEADFF]π•Šπ•’π•žπ•’π•Ÿπ•₯𝕙𝕒 'π•Šπ•’π•ž' 'π•Šπ•’π•žπ•žπ•ͺ' ℝπ•ͺ𝕖𝕠[/color] [color=#CEADFF]|[/color] β„™π•’π•Ÿπ•€π•–π•©π•¦π•’π• [color=#CEADFF]|[/color] [color=#CEADFF] CEADFF[/color] [color=#CEADFF]|[/color] π•Šπ•šπ•£π•–π•Ÿ [color=#CEADFF]✧[/color] ✧ [color=#CEADFF]✧[/color] ✧ [color=#CEADFF]✧[/color] ✧ [color=#CEADFF]✧[/color] ✧ [color=#CEADFF]✧[/color] ✧ [color=#CEADFF]✧[/color] ✧ 𝟚𝟘 [color=#CEADFF]|[/color] π”½π•–π•žπ•’π•π•– [color=#CEADFF]|[/color] πŸπ•—π•₯ πŸ› [color=#CEADFF]|[/color] π•‹π•™π•šπ•£π•• [color=#CEADFF]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=#CEADFF]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=#CEADFF]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=#CEADFF]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=#CEADFF]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=#CEADFF]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ β˜€ Bubbly | Effervescent | Chatty | Curious | High-spirited | Resourceful | Courteous | Fun-loving ☁ Impatient | Distractible | Clumsy | Airy | Emotional | Outspoken [color=#CEADFF]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=#CEADFF]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=#CEADFF]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=#CEADFF]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=#CEADFF]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [color=#CEADFF]β–Ώ[/color] β–΅ [/sub] [hider=β–Ώ β–΅ β–Ώ β–΅] [sub][COLOR=#CEADFF][i] [sub][b][color=#CEADFF]LIKES[/color][/b][/sub] Dancing & skipping & spinning ✿ Doing cool ass tricks whilst swimming ✿ Teasing Nathaniel ✿ Chocolate spread ✿ Singing really loud for no reason at all ✿ Shroom picking ✿ Those cute games on your phone where you look after a squishy thing ✿ Squishy things ✿ Ferrets ✿ Trying out new hairstyles ✿ Pigtails and space buns in particular ✿ Not letting Nathaniel kiss her [sub][b][color=#CEADFF]DISLIKES[/color][/b][/sub] Waiting in line ✿ The sight of her own blood ✿ Heights ✿ The bit in a horror movie where you know they're about to scare you ✿ Not being near water ✿ People who don't like music ✿ When she accidentally sits on her hair or gets it in her food [/i][/COLOR][/sub][/hider][/center] [CENTER] [/center] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ee/4d/20/ee4d20faaa7ad243a308124b81e87d68.gif[/img][/center] [/cell][cell][sub][b][color=#CEADFF] s k Γ­ l l s & w Ρ” Ξ± k n Ρ” s s Ρ” s [/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=#CEADFF]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color][/sup][/sub] [color=#CEADFF] [sub][img]https://i.imgur.com/XT0WXyc.png[/img][/sub] [sub]✿ ℂ𝕣𝕠𝕀𝕀 π•žπ•ͺ 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣π•₯ ✿ [color=#E5D4FF]Unlike other sirens, Sam can not use her call to lure people in and control them. She can however influence feeling of love, such as lust, affection and a fleeting crush. This only lasts whilst she is singing and at present she can only affect one person at a time, but the implications of her power can be dramatic depending on how it is used.[/color] ✿ ℙ𝕖𝕠𝕑𝕝𝕖 π•‘π•–π•£π•€π• π•Ÿ ✿ [color=#E5D4FF]Sam has always found it easy to get along with other people. She has never suffered with shyness and will always be willing to speak to a stranger, or welcome someone new. She has a natural ease with others and is able to both attract & keep friends.[/color] ✿ β„‚π• π•Ÿπ•₯𝕠𝕣π•₯π•šπ• π•Ÿπ•šπ•€π•₯ ✿ [color=#E5D4FF]Samantha is extremely flexible, particularly when she is in the water, and can move her body in ways that she [I]probably[/I] shouldn't be able to. It lets her do lots of fun tricks however and she is really really good at twister. This has come in handy exactly zero times in her life. [/color][/sub] [sub][img]https://i.imgur.com/x6BlpdZ.png[/img][/sub] [sub]✿ ℍ𝕖𝕝𝕝 π•Ÿπ•  ✿ [color=#E5D4FF]Sam is very afraid of heights. She sees being up high as the opposite of being deep underwater, and she is [I]not[/I] okay with it. On the few occasions she has been somewhere high she will typically start crying, hyperventilate, cling onto the nearest person, and usually have to be carried back down.[/color] ✿ 𝕋𝕖𝕒𝕀𝕖 ✿ [color=#E5D4FF]Sam is a big tease. She will flirt, bat her eyelashes, twirl her hair...only to back out at the last minute. She can't seem to admit when she actually likes someone and when she finds out someone likes [I]her[/I], will be unable to resist taunting them. It has landed in her trouble on many occasions and undoubtedly will in the future too.[/color] ✿ ℂ𝕣π•ͺ𝕓𝕒𝕓π•ͺ ✿ [color=#E5D4FF]She cries, a lot. She cries when shes happy, but also, if even the slightest thing upsets her, she will burst into tears. She once even cried because she saw a really really cute dog.[/color] [/sub][/color] [sub][b][color=#CEADFF]OUTLOOK / IDEALS / PERSPECTIVE [/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=#CEADFF]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color][/sup][/sub] [sub]Samantha is chill with just about everyone. She doesn't really care if they are mortal or immortal, human or supernatural, if they get along...they get along.[/sub] [sub][img]https://i.imgur.com/8SI2L69.png[/img][/sub] [sub][sup][color=#CEADFF]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color][/sup][/sub] [sub][color=#CEADFF] ➽[/color]➽[color=#CEADFF]➽[/color] To learn some more cool swimming tricks. To figure out if she truly wants to be an idol.[/sub] [sub][img]https://i.imgur.com/6w1msEk.png[/img][/sub] [sub][sup][color=#CEADFF]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color][/sup][/sub] [sub][color=#CEADFF] ➽[/color]➽[color=#CEADFF]➽[/color] Losing her voice.[/sub] [sub][b] [color=#CEADFF]Π² Γ­ Οƒ g r Ξ± p h Ρ‡[/color] [/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=#CEADFF]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color][/sup][/sub] [hider=β–Ώ β–΅ β–Ώ β–΅][color=#CEADFF] Though her family are originally from South Korea, they emigrated to the USA several decades ago and Samantha was born & raised off the coast of Southern California. Though they enjoyed living under the surface, they also had a large beach house where they would spend much of their time. It allowed Sam to mingle with humans in a way that has always allowed her to feel comfortable around them. She doesn't seem them as any different from herself, aside from the fact that they suck at swimming and can't lure sailors to their deaths. Sam has always enjoyed the limelight and would spend hours as a child learning tricks whilst swimming, that she would then show off to her family. They would often return to Seoul on vacation and it was whilst she was there when she was 15 years old, that she attracted the attention of an entertainment company. Being a siren ticked off most of the boxes for them - beauty, grace, and a whacking singing voice. It didn't take long before she went into training as an idol and was on the cusp of being allocated to a group, when she suddenly backed out. She'd never admit it but she missed her pod, she missed the water, and she missed the feeling of freedom. Being an idol was never going to be about what she wanted and well, Sam was too stubborn to listen to dumb old men tell her what to do all day. Instead she chose to attend Hawthorne Academy, desiring to see somewhere new. She still gets requests to go back to South Korea and audition to be part of a group again, but Sams unsure what she really wants. For now she's just enjoying having fun and using her singing voice in the way Mother Nature intended. [/color][/hider] [/cell][/row][/table][/color] [/hider]