[quote=@Tortoise] If it's at all relevant to anyone's characters, my dude is dying. Like, literally dying. He's cursed and will continue to grow weaker and sicker until he passes away one day, possibly during the course of the RP, if I decide I'm ready to move on to another character. So, there's always a potential roleplaying opportunity with doctor-y characters, since he might need medicines or magical painkillers or whatnot from them. [/quote] Ah, that is sad that he is sickly and dying and might die in the course of the rp. Cricket will definitely be there trying to help if she can. He will just have to deal with bad-tasting tea and things sometimes, since she is all mushroom, herbal, and natural-based medical knowledge except for what she can do in magical terms. ;-; Cricket is going to get attached to people and they are going to die, and she is going to be big sad.