[hr][hr][center][h2][color=#B22222]Cassiopeia Hood[/color][/h2][img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/l0Ex51vOyF6GwhFpm/giphy.gif?cid=790b7611dd27d40af1865bb0be61871795307cda773c9c22&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img][hr][color=#B22222]Location:[/color] The Moors [color=#B22222]Skills:[/color] Combat Archery; [hr][hr][/center] Everyone, aside from Rosalia, agreed on taking out the bad guys before they could do anymore damage. Cassi was still on the fence. She understood the need to protect themselves and their cover but what would have been the issue with knocking the bad guys out and tying them up in order to get some distance? As Cassi deliberated with her moral compass, her mind flashed to when Rose, trapped in a net being dragged behind a horse and their rider. The fear and rage she had experienced put her in the mindset of needing to do anything to save Rose. Even killing. In that scenario, it was either kill or be taken, killed, or tortured. Cassiopeia wasn’t completely okay with her current conclusion, but it allowed her to reach for another arrow. Cassi didn’t realize she was shaking until she held the arrow, lost her grip on it and it tumbled to the ground. Cassi stared at the arrow on the ground, frozen for a moment as her mind tried to process and keep up with what was going on around her. She had to keep moving though and she reached for the arrow, even though it felt as if she was moving through molasses. She put it to her bow, took aim and fired. Her arrow soared through the sky and impaled itself into the head of an enemy. Cassi’s eyes glazed over and she looked away, no longer processing the action happening around her, and put her bow away. Subconsciously deciding she was done. [hr][hr][center][h2][color=#F08080]Willow Jones[/color][/h2][img]https://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/34400000/Klaus-Mikaelson-Caroline-Forbes-klaus-and-caroline-34448889-245-245.gif[/img][hr][color=#F08080]Location:[/color] Secret Passage -- Agrabah [color=#F08080]Skills:[/color] [hr][hr][/center] Of course, Aurora would be going back to her home right away. She had her own people and problems to worry about. Still, Willow wasn’t ready to be separated from her long-lost mother. [color=#F08080]”In that case, I would like to return with you.”[/color] Willow wanted to see the place she was born, know the people who she would have seen and spoken with daily. The group finally moved out of the creepy, sand filled tomb to an aboveground home. Willow had to admit that she was impressed with the elaborate escape routes Agrabah had. The house they stood in didn’t look like much, but it was full of surprises. Jasmine and some of the others were pulling out supplies from hidden compartments. Willow watched them but stayed with her mother, eagerly waiting for her reply.