Fia wished she could help without needing Fee but she couldn't see what she knew that Fee didn't or couldn't do better. "I'll go get her" she replied, turning on her heel and rushing out the room before heading upstairs. She dreaded having to tell Kay that Fee was needed as she remembered the stories of how it wore Kay out, or at least made Kay sometimes lose time and wonder when and where she was. Fia could only hope that this wouldn't be one of those times. "Well that's not hopeful" Kay replied to Drake before hearing Fia's footsteps and soon after saw her re-enter the room. "What's going on down there?" She asked Fia, seeing the look on her face and dreading the worst. "Serena needs Fee's help" Fia finally said, looking her mother in the eye. Kay let that sink in for a mere few milliseconds before nodding. Closing her eyes, she delved deep into her subconscious to get to Fee, [i]"Serena and John need you, please help." [/i] [b][i]"I will do what I can, for you Kay[/i][/b] Fee replied before taking over, pushing Kay's consciousness into the subconscious and when Kay's body reopened her eyes, it was Fee's golden hue that showed. Without another word, Fee stood up, using Kay's body, gave Fia a nod and simple pat on the shoulder then headed downstairs, seemingly barely making a sound with each footstep. She got to the room, [b]"Fia said you require my aid"[/b] she spoke as she entered, careful not to make Serena jump in the process.