[NPC Post] The problem: there's a bunch of armed folks that'll likely try to stop them from reaching the barn. The solution: varying, depending on how good of a fighters they were and just how much preparations they've got set up. Information was lacking, as as much as Matilda preferred just waltzing in and crushing all resistance like Yvonne chimed there may be some other ways this could be done with. [b][color=00a651]"Is it possible to grab one of those sentries without the others noticing? One that is getting too sleepy for their own good? We can get some answers from him, and the hole in their watch perimeter will allow us to slip in."[/color][/b] Matilda squinted to see the rough sketching, with great difficulty managing to get some sense of the drawing. Didn't seems much different from the scrying result reported earlier. [b][color=00a651]"No need to risk taking down all of them. I cannot shoot accurately over long distance even in daytime."[/color][/b] [b][color=#a4161a]"Same here. I mean, I know how to handle a bow without getting a cramp somewhere unpleasant. Or throw some javelins. But dont count on me hitting the bullseye."[/color][/b] Yvonne tapped the brand new mace on her hip, the weight a bit different than the previous one but she'll just need to smash through a battle to get used to it. Ain't the first time she had to change weapon. [b][color=#a4161a]"I'm better at crushing things up close and personal, yeah? If I get through I can smash the guards before the rest of them even wake up."[/color][/b]