[img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/743937859198648470/1049400458382417990/0E84F142-EE42-40B5-8616-51ACA62943AF.png[/img] [right][sub]location: Hotel interactions: [color=a187be]Isabel[/color], [color=FF69B4]Aphrodite[/color] mentions: [color=ED1C24]Ares[/color], [color=8f99fb]Pasithea[/color][/sub][/right][hr] Isabel reckoned this would probably end up in Anubis’ notes when she went back. The video message her father had sent her didn’t make her world spin. It didn’t reduce her to a sobbing, desperate mess. At first she was panicking but then something else took over. She could never explain it. It was like some sort of drive took over. All the while she’d feel numb. That alone probably had some shrink explanation. The gun in her pocket as she casually strolled into the hotel lobby would probably be the second note point. She almost whistled as she walked past the concierge of the big hotel chain as if she was a guest. With uncharacteristic patience she waited for an elevator. Her eyes were darting around though. She had seen every camera in the lobby. There was no way to get in unseen. She had her eyes on the cute, drunk couple beside her as well. It could all be an act. They could be waiting for her. Let them. She had her finger on the trigger in her pocket. The concierge picked up a phone. Isabel felt her heart beat faster. Was he calling his wife or a hitman? Her father – no, Ares – would have recognized the slight jolt that went through Isabel for what it was: a sign of pure tension. She was strung like a violin cord. Still, she stepped into the elevator. The cute couple stepped up to get in as well. They looked at Isabel while laughing, stopped, and took a step backwards. Maybe it was because she looked like a racoon that hadn’t slept all night and really should’ve. Maybe it was because of the fresh blood on her pants leg. Or maybe it was because Isabel just really didn’t want anyone in that elevator right then. She rode it upwards. The elevator ride was smooth. Smooth enough that Isabel didn’t feel the wound on her tight ache. Just as gently the elevator stopped at the designated floor. Isabel casually strolled out. The floor’s corridor was always. At this hour, most people would probably still be in their bed or getting into the bathroom to prepare for breakfast. Isabel made her way toward the door of her father’s room. It used a keycard but there was a regular lock too. Again, one of her more questionable hobbies came in handy. Hotel locks were so easy to pick. Slowly Isabel opened the door and pulled her gun. Normally nobody should be in the suite. Still, she had her finger on the trigger. Like she was trained to, she began to quietly move through the suite to check the rooms. Most places were clear. The bedroom was last. And there the mortal was met with the strangest of sights. A blonde woman in the bed. Immediately Isabel pointed the gun at her. With her free hand she switched the lights on. [color=a187be]“You have exactly five fucking seconds to tell me where my father is.”[/color] To say the light turning on was an annoyance, was a huge understatement. The ‘[i]phone[/i] as Ares had put it when explaining its function had been useless, the contact of Pasithea getting an unknown voice as a reply. She didn’t call upon her children, wanting to surprise them in person and she was not one to let herself look like an embarrassed fool as she tried to get a handle on this new world. She didn’t trust to leave the safety Ares had provided so she had decided to stay. Now, an unknown mortal was with her and holding Hephaestus’s forge knows what while spattering on in an odd language. Ares really needed to keep better company. Was this the woman he hinted at? A mortal lover? That would explain the violent expression but one that held little in comparison to those she had seen before. Looking closer at the woman, she was indeed beautiful but it was sullied with an injury or what she would assume as one and the dark circles were telling. She rose from the bed without shame of her nude form, trusting Ares was true to his word that the place was safe and she had never been one for modesty. [color=FF69B4]”Αγαπητέ μου, φαίνεσαι θετικά στενοχωρημένος. Αν ψάχνετε για τον Άρη, θα πρέπει να περιμένετε, αλλά κανείς δεν θέλει να επιστρέψει σε αυτό..”[/color] (My dear, you look positively distressed. If you're looking for Ares, you'll have to wait, but no one wants to come home to that..), she tutted and stepped forward to cup the mortal’s chin, tilting it to take a better look at her face. [color=FF69B4]”Φαίνεται ότι πέρασες ένα μονοπάτι. Μακάρι να μπορούσα να προσφέρω τσάι, αλλά ο Άρης φαίνεται να έχει έλλειψη υπηρέτες.”[/color] (Looks like you crossed a path. I wish I could offer tea, but Ares seems to be short on servants.), she stated as she let go of the woman, taking a seat back on the bed and leaning back a bit to lounge more comfortably as they waited. This was probably the weirdest experience in Isabel’s whole life. And in the last twenty-four hours she had a lifetime of weird experiences. Her gun was completely disregarded, as was the threat. The woman’s nudity shouldn’t have taken the mortal off guard but it did. She was beyond beautiful. Yet she spoke Greek and mentioned her father’s real name. Isabel barely understood most of what the woman said. It had been half a decade since she last learned Greek and it was beyond rusty. Slowly, she tried to talk while still keeping the gun at the ready: [color=a187be]“Ποιος είσαι? Πώς... ξέρεις το... πραγματικό... όνομα του πατέρα μου?”[/color] (Who are you? How do you know my father’s real name?) She blinked, confused by one of the questions but decided to at least answer the first. [color=FF69B4]”Ζητώ συγγνώμη, δεν πίστευα ότι έπρεπε να το δηλώσω όπως θα έπρεπε να είναι προφανές, αλλά κατηγορώ την απουσία μου στην άγνοιά σας. Επιτρέψτε μου να συστηθώ... Αφροδίτη, Θεά της Ομορφιάς και της Αγάπης.”[/color] (My apologies, I did not believe I needed to state this as it should be obvious, but I blame my absence on your ignorance. Allow me to introduce myself... Aphrodite, Goddess of Beauty and Love.), she replied, leaning to properly sit up in a regal stance and looked over the other woman again. [color=FF69B4]“Και ποιος μπορεί να είσαι, εκτός από μια κόρη του Άρη?”[/color] (And who might you be, besides a daughter of Ares?), Aphro questioned. The mortal felt her stomach twist again as she realized she was – again – facing off against a divine. The paramour of her father no less. Why was she here!? Control was once again slipping from Isabel fingers. She did not like that. There were too many questions and far too little answers. The grip around her weapon tightened. Her mind raced as she tried to remember anything and everything about the goddess she learned from myth. Aphrodite was never violent, but she was manipulative. Isabel did not want another thread twisting around her. She couldn’t give the goddess much. No, she couldn’t give her anything. Was she one of the bad ones? The utter disregard for her weapon suggested so. That and the slightly unhinged feeling Isabel was getting from her. In myths, Aphrodite was never violent, but she was shrewd and manipulative. Isabel didn’t need another thread twisting around her. [color=a187be]“Είμαι αυτός που κάνει ερωτήσεις.”[/color] (I am the one asking questions.) She sneered. [color=a187be]“Είμαι αυτός που κάνει ερωτήσεις.”[/color] (Why are you here?) Unimpressed, that was currently the appearance and expression she held after the comment. She looked at her fingernails as if in boredom before tucking her hand under her chin, crossing her legs as if thinking about the answer but instead cocked her head with a sweet smile. [color=FF69B4]”δυστυχώς, έχετε την τάση να μην απαντήσετε, οπότε νομίζω ότι θα κάνω το ίδιο και θα το αφήσω έτσι.”[/color] (Unfortunately, you've inclined not to respond, so I think I'll do the same and leave it at that.), Aphrodite replied. She didn’t see the need to keep talking to someone that wouldn’t give the same decency they were asking for. It was about respect and if the child was smart, she would be careful in messing with her. She might not be her father’s lover anymore but they still cared for each other and if she ruined the safety he provided, it would look worse on the child than herself. She had dealt with more stubborn and violent looking children than the one before her. Isabel’s finger was on the trigger, ready to squeeze it. Then she remembered one of her father’s lessons. Aphrodite was no direct threat right now. At least not physically. She had the time. So she closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. If she knew anything about her father’s disappearance, she wouldn’t have just stayed naked in his bed. And she would’ve known all of his children for sure. That’s the least of what Isabel herself would do if she wanted to take someone down. So Aphrodite was probably not involved. So what was she doing here? What was happening? How should she deal with the goddess? Again her mind harkened back to the myths she was so obsessed over when she was young. Aphrodite, what did she crave? Isabel’s demeanor shifted. With her thumb, she put the safety on and put it away. [color=a187be]“Σε παρακαλώ δέξου την συγνώμη μου. Ήταν μια μεγάλη νύχτα και δεν περίμενα να συναντήσω κάποιον σαν εσένα.”[/color] (Please accept my apologies. It has been a long night and I was not expecting to meet someone like you.) She said as she tried to calm herself further. [color=a187be]“Είμαι η Isabel και σε σύγκριση με εσένα, δεν είμαι πολύ περισσότερο.”[/color] (I am Isabel and compared to you, I am not much more.) [color=FF69B4]“Η κολακεία θα σε πάει παντού γλυκό μου κορίτσι. Ποτέ μην φοβάσαι, δεν θα το κρατήσω εναντίον σου αλλά μην δυσφημήσεις τον εαυτό σου. Είσαι κόρη του Άρη ακόμα κι αν δεν είσαι δική μου.”[/color] (Flattery will take you everywhere my sweet girl. Never fear, I won't hold it against you but don't discredit yourself. You are a daughter of Ares even if you are not mine.), she replied, her posture relaxing once more before standing so she could gently try to guide Isabel to sit down as a mother would with a hurt child needing comfort. [color=FF69B4]“Δυστυχώς, ο πατέρας σου και εγώ δεν είχαμε μια μακρά επανένωση. Μόλις πρόσφατα ξύπνησα από έναν βαθύ λήθαργο, οπότε με άφησε εδώ για τώρα, μέχρι να προσαρμοστώ σε αυτόν τον νέο κόσμο. Σχεδίαζα να επικοινωνήσω με έναν από τους άλλους αλλά άργησα. Την τελευταία φορά που μιλήσαμε, ήταν στην πραγματικότητα πολύ βιαστικός και είχε κάποια θέση που έπρεπε να είναι. Θα υπέθεσα ότι θα ξέρετε περισσότερα από εμένα για τις ερχομούς του.”[/color] (Unfortunately, your father and I did not have a long reunion. I have just recently awoken from a deep slumber so he left me here for now, until I can adjust to this new world. I planned to contact one of the others for assistance but it was late. Last we spoke, he was actually in quite the hurry and had some place he needed to be. I would assume you would know more than I on his comings and goings.) She wasn’t a fool as most people might believe. She noticed the shift in attitude but as long as it kept things pleasant between them and offered no harm to her or those she cared for, Aphrodite saw no reason not to humor the girl. She didn’t mind sharing information and loved learning a thing or two from others but she was quite in the dark. She wasn’t sure how close Isabel was with her own children and if she was unaware of Pothos disappearance then she did not wish to further upset the woman. It was better to just reply to the recently asked question of her own arrival and skip on too many extra details. It did leave one question though, why was Isabel here? Did she live her as well? That would be rather strange. [color=FF69B4]”Δεν θέλω να παρέμβω, αλλά υπήρχε λόγος που έπρεπε να τον δεις; Ίσως θα μπορούσα να βοηθήσω ή θα μπορούσαμε να περιμένουμε την επιστροφή του. Θα χαρώ να έχω παρέα τελικά!”[/color] (I don't mean to intrude but was there a reason you needed to see him? Perhaps I could be of some assistance or we could wait for his return. I would be delighted to have some company afterall!) [color=a187be]“Δεν νομίζω ότι θα έρθει εδώ.”[/color](I don’t think he will come here). Isabel said. She didn’t sit down though. Even though it felt so very alluring. Now that the intensity of the situation abated she started to feel tiredness in her body. Soon she would start getting slow. That would be bad. She still had to find her father. [color=a187be]“Έστειλε αυτόματο μήνυμα λέγοντας ότι κάτι έχει συμβεί. Εξαφανίστηκε ή..."[/color] (He sent an automatic message saying that something has happened. He vanished or…) The words got stuck in her throat. Only now did she realize that her father could actually no longer be alive. She shook the idea out of her head. He wouldn’t die that easily. They’d need to drop a nuke on him to stop him. [color=a187be]“Ήρθα εδώ ψάχνοντας-“[/color] (I came here looking for-) A knock on the door interrupted Isabel. She frowned. Immediately she pulled the gun again and walked towards the door of the hotel suite. Through the looking glass, she saw two big men dressed in suits with earpieces. [color=a187be]“Shit.”[/color] “Security. Please open up.” The men said as they politely but firmly knocked on the door again. Her blood ran cold at what Isabel was suggesting before it started to boil over with rage. Vanished? Pothos and now Ares? She was starting to take this as a personal attack and if she found out who was behind this, they would be sorry. Her gaze darkened as she stood ridgid, placing a hand on the other woman’s shoulder as she was about to reassure her when they were interrupted. The knock on the door had her head snapping in that direction, her power building to defend herself as she had no weapon currently to protect herself. Aphrodite was still irritated by the weak amount of her power being tugged to the surface but it was more than earlier which was a plus. She followed carefully after Isabel as she approached the door. There was that strange language again from both Isabel and whoever was on the other side of the door. She certainly didn’t trust it and the other didn’t seem too pleased by the arrival. [color=FF69B4]Ποιος ειναι εκει? Τι είπαν?[/color] (Who is there? What did they say?), Aphro asked her curiously while looking towards the door. [color=FF69B4]”Πρέπει να χειριστώ την κατάσταση?”[/color] (Should I handle the situation?), her tone changing to something dark, sultry, and with a hint of anger due to the interruption. [color=a187be]“Μην τους σκοτώσετε!”[/color] (Don’t kill them!) Isabel whisper-exclaimed to Aphrodite. That would make a whole new mess she wasn’t willing or able to clean up right now. Still, she did pull her own gun again. The situation was bad though. Ares - the one who booked the suite - had disappeared. Instead, two women were crashing in it. One who didn’t speak English, and the other who looked like she hadn’t slept in a full week. [color=a187be]“Προσπάθησε να... δεν ξέρω! Πείστε τους να φύγουν.”[/color] (Try to… I don’t know! Convince them to just leave.) Aphro blinked at the exclamation, wondering who the child had dealt with in the past…well, besides her father. Okay, that right there was probably where that comment came from but she handled issues in another way. [color=FF69B4]”Το να σκοτώνεις είναι πολύ ακατάστατο για τα γούστα μου, καλύτερα να το αποφύγω καθόλου αν είναι δυνατόν. Δεν χρειάζεται να ανησυχείτε, είμαι σίγουρος ότι μπορώ να τους πείσω.”[/color] (Killing is too messy for my taste, better to avoid it altogether if possible. No need to worry, I'm sure I can convince them.), she whispered in return before carefully opening the door, not even bothering to fetch something to make herself decent. [color=FF69B4]”Γεια σας, πώς μπορώ να σας βοηθήσω και τους δύο καλοί κύριοι; Υπαρχει ενα προβλημα?”[/color] (Hello, how can I assist both of you fine gentlemen? Is there a problem?), Aphrodite purred, lust dripping off every word as she relaxed against the door frame, crossing her arms under her bust to make them more prominent while gazing over both of them as if wishing to devour the duo in a fit of passion. Her powers flowed freely, ready to entice the security officers and bend them to her will. It was hard to say with the new limitations what would happen but she was at least willing to try. Aphro was still unused to the world but mortal men could not have changed all that much. It would be surprising for sure if they had. The two guards were taken by surprise when Aphrodite opened the door. Even though they shouldn’t have been. It wasn’t the first time they had to check in on a guest that opened the door naked like that. Yet with this woman they were stunned for a moment. Isabel stood behind the door with big eyes. She couldn’t believe what was happening. The goddess just opened the door and spoke some Greek!? How was that going to help them at all!? The men were looking at Aphrodite with a slight edge in their gazes. There was a feralness in them that wanted the woman. If both of them had still been in the marines things might have gone differently. But now they were married. One of the guards was reminded of his wife when he saw the woman. The other was reminded by the college girl next door. He had a tougher time holding himself back. “Excuse me, ma’am.” The first said. “I’m afraid that we don’t really speak… whatever that is. Do you speak English?” He had his fair share of experience with beautiful foreign women. Though he was hoping she did speak English. If not this would require a lot of hand motions. Meanwhile, Isabel, who was feeling the threads of the situation unraveling even more slowly raised her gun and put the barrel’s end against the door, approximately at the level of where the security guard’s head was. Just in case things went really south. Frustration clawed at her again as it had earlier when trying to deal with Ares. Her powers were a failure, usually able to turn any head, desperate for her approval but now it seemed only a slight pull. On top of that, she couldn’t even twist her way with words as they understood none of what she had to say and she certainly couldn’t understand them. If Isabel’s body movement said anything it probably wasn’t a positive and the other woman didn’t seem in the best of moods to speak. She had a feeling if she left her to handle it, then it would end as well as letting Deimos run around with a knife and no rules. She tilted her head, debating on what the best course of action could be but she was at a loss. The closest thing she could do was let Isabel be her interpreter. Aphrodite put on a smile, trying to cover most of her annoyance and spoke calmly, appearing to speak to the two before her but actually addressing the one behind the door. [color=FF69B4]”Απογοητευτικά, οι δυνάμεις μου δεν λειτουργούν όπως περίμενα. Τι λένε?”[/color] (Disappointingly, my powers aren't working as expected. What are they saying?) Isabel turned pale. It wasn’t like she could actually say anything! The second guard who was considerably younger spoke up. “Would you mind if we come in?” He didn’t wait for Aphrodite’s answer. He needed to get with her behind closed doors first. So he stepped forward and pushed the door more open. Isabel had her finger on the trigger when she heard that. The door was moving. It pushed her aside. She wanted to squeeze the trigger but then remembered something her father once told her. An important lesson. She had shrugged it off at the time. Not now. “We just have to check if everything is in order.” The younger security guard said as he walked in. His eyes were focused on Aphrodite still. How could they not be!? “We’ll be quick, I prom-“ With a hard hit on the back of his skull, Isabel tried to knock the guard unconscious. His head sprang back up though. So she wacked him again. This time he did fall forward. The older guard grabbed his pepper spray. Isabel moved faster. She pointed her gun at him. [color=a187be]“Drop it.”[/color] He did as told. [color=a187be]“Πιάσε το μπουκάλι - το πράγμα που του έπεσε.”[/color] (Grab the bottle- the thing he dropped.) Isabel ordered Aphrodite in almost the exact same way Ares would. [color=a187be]“You, inside, now.”[/color] She said to the older guard again. She did as she was told, feeling the urgency in the sudden request for this weird thing. Aphro felt bad for the passed out mortal as this situation that had become hell in a handbasket but at the same time, she hadn’t appreciated the unwelcome barging in of her space, whether it was egged on by their original purpose at the door or if it was because of her powers. She waited until the second man was completely in the room before closing the door, not wanting any prying eyes if things got overly violent. She at least remembered they would become groveling idiots or viciously angry while screaming at the one they blamed. [color=FF69B4]”Είστε σίγουροι ότι αυτό θέλετε να κάνετε? Οι θνητοί μπορεί να είναι άστατοι για τέτοιου είδους πράγματα και να ζητούν αποζημίωση με τη μία ή την άλλη μορφή.”[/color] (Are you sure this is what you want to do? Mortals can be fickle about this sort of thing and ask for compensation in one form or another.), Aphrodite asked, glancing up and down at the man before her, feeling more inclined to make sure he wasn’t harmed. He had been polite and unrushed, plus while it annoyed her he was able to resist more, something made her feel like it was because of something she held precious. Love. She couldn’t completely fault the man for that but at the same time, these two could have left them alone and the trouble wouldn’t have started. Mortals, how they left the feeling of contradiction with each action. At this point the umpteenth time Isabel was running on little more than adrenaline. It kept her going but she felt it was wrong. She should rest soon. Except she couldn’t. [color=a187be]“Δεν μπορώ να γυρίσω τον χρόνο πίσω.”[/color] (Can’t turn back time.) Isabel said to Aphrodite. Then she addressed the still-conscious guard: [color=a187be]“Bind yourself to that door.”[/color] She motioned with the gun toward one of the interior doors of the suite. The guard did as he was told. Obviously, who would want to die in a place like this for what was probably only a little bit more than minimum wage? Once the guard had tied himself up Isabel took his tie and made it into a gag. Then she turned towards Aphrodite. [color=a187be]“Δεν θα υπάρξει καμία αποζημίωση για αυτούς.”[/color] (There won’t be any compensation for them.) She then looked around. They had bought themselves a few more minutes but the front desk would get suspicious. [color=a187be]“Αυτό το μέρος είναι επικίνδυνο τώρα. Πρέπει να φύγουμε. Πιάσε ό,τι σου έδωσε ο μπαμπάς και μετά πάμε.”[/color] (This place is dangerous now. We need to leave. Grab whatever dad gave you and then let's go.) Her eyes were getting more wild. Her focus was getting blunt. It felt like she was forgetting something. She nodded, moving back to the bedroom before placing the coat he gave her back on and slipping the [i]phone[/i] as well as the… what had he called it? [i]Card[/i] or something like that…the new money system for the mortals. It was a bizarre thing but she shoved both items in her pocket, regrouping with Isa in the main room. Isabel had her fathers instincts so if she said it wasn’t safe, she would believe her. Aphrodite wished Pasithea had picked up last night, it would have been so much easier. [color=FF69B4]”Δείξε το δρόμο.”[/color] (Lead the way.), she commanded, feeling on edge. She hadn’t liked being in the city area with all the watchful eyes and the carriage she had been brought here in was comfortable but strange. She wished she could get a handle on everything but it was overwhelming which is why the room had felt so nice. Hopefully Isabel knew of a similar place to go. She didn’t. Finding a new place was barely on Isabel’s mind right now. She couldn’t focus on thinking that far ahead. Right now she felt more driven by instinct and it was telling her to get out. She didn’t say anything to Aphrodite as the women regrouped. She just headed towards the elevator. A spell of dizziness hit her in the hallway. She stopped and put her hand against the wall to hold her up. She couldn’t collapse right now. After two deep breaths she kept on going. In the elevator, her vision got blurry for a moment. At this point it was anyone’s best guess why. Blood loss? Fatigue? Emotional distress? The doctors would probably be able to say. Too bad she wasn’t about to go find either of them. The elevator announced Isa and Aphrodite’s arrival in the main lobby. Again Isabel led the way forward. This time towards her car. With the press of a button she unlocked it. [color=a187be]“Get in.”[/color] She said, before remembering that Aphrodite didn’t speak English. [color=a187be]“Μπες μέσα.”[/color] The adrenaline was wearing off too quickly. Especially when she sat down behind the wheel. Her time was limited and she had nowhere to go. She hated that feeling of helplessness. It made her feel useless. Yet she had no choice now. She shouldn’t succumb to pride. Not now. [color=a187be]“Σε χρειάζομαι... να μου πεις... πού πρέπει να πάω.”[/color] (I need you... to tell me... where I need to go.) She said. Only when she spoke did she realize how hard she was breathing. Aphrodite had been silent, following instruction with worry at the woman’s declining health. She had tried to get her to rest earlier but she refused and now the concern was reaching high levels. Would she be able to be a stable driver? She couldn’t take control if needed. She bit her lip, pulling out the phone and looking at the screen again. Pasithea hadn’t answered yesterday no matter how many times she tried. Would this really work now? She had to try so instead of replying to Isabel, she hit the contact and prayed for an answer. The ringing sound entered her ear again, nerves frayed that she would hear the same unknown voice. Instead, she heard a voice she recognized but in a language she didn’t understand. Aphro heart lifted, pure joy and excitement overshadowing her concern for but a moment. [color=FF69B4]”Πασιθέα!”[/color] (Pasithea!) There was a pause, just a moment of silence which made her fear she was wrong or that something happened where she could not hear. Had the magic worn off the phone? Relief flooded her as the goddess on the other side started to speak, [color=8f99fb]“Αφροδίτη! Πως τα πήγες....που είσαι;! Είσαι ασφαλής!? Θα έρθω να σε πάρω.”[/color] (Aphrodite! How did you....where are you?! Are you safe!? I'll come get you.) [color=FF69B4]”Είμαι ασφαλής, αλλά χρειάζομαι ένα μέρος για να μείνω. Θα τα εξηγήσω όλα μόλις είμαι εκεί, αλλά χρειάζομαι οδηγίες.”[/color] (I'm safe, but I need a place to stay. I'll explain everything once I'm there, but I need directions.) [color=8f99fb]Στέλνω τη διεύθυνση στο τηλέφωνό σας. Απλώς δώστε το στον οδηγό και θα πρέπει να ξέρουν τι να κάνουν από εκεί. Φροντίστε να το λάβετε πίσω για να είμαστε σε επαφή. Πρόσεχε! Ενημερώστε με όταν φτάσετε.”[/color] (I'm sending the address to your phone. Just hand it to the driver and they should know what to do from there. Make sure you get it back so we can stay in contact. Be careful! Let me know when you have arrived.) Aphrodite nodded, not really thinking about the concept that Pasi would not be able to see the gesture. The sound cut off and a ding startled her as something appeared on the screen. She showed it to Isabel like she was told to, hoping she would understand it. She didn’t really know how to work this thing and was afraid to do more with it. [color=FF69B4]”Πρέπει να πάμε εδώ. Θα μας φροντίσουν και θα είμαστε ασφαλείς. Ξέρεις που είναι?”[/color] (We have to go here. We will be taken care of and we will be safe. Do you know where it is?) At this point Isabel barely registered the Greek. All she understood was “here” and “safe” when she looked at the address on the phone. It was enough. She gave Aphrodite a slight nod. Her wound was aching though. She rubbed it. It felt wet and warm. With bloodied fingers she slowly started to type in the address in the GPS. Midway she paused. Dizziness sent her vision spinning for a second. When it passed she finished it she put the car into gear and slammed down the accelerator.