[quote=@Retired] Glad to see so much interest. I'll begin the first steps of putting a thread together after work today, but I wouldn't expect the OOC to be up until Thursday. Also, I realize at this point there are people actively creating character sheets, so I should say this now to avoid wasting the time of some of you. I'm going to be playing Spider-Man. I debated allowing competing apps against me with an impartial third party judge, but I plan to use Spidey's story to set much of the narrative scene in NYC so ultimately I decided on just taking the character. That being said, aside from other direct Spider-powered people which is a no-go, the Peter I'm going with doesn't present any conflicts should someone want to app as someone Spider-adjacent. Apologies to those who may have already begun brainstorming Parker plans. [/quote] quick q - what's the difference between 'direct Spider-powered people' and 'Spider-adjacent'?