[quote=@BangoSkank] Mmmm that's the best CS Can you tell me anything about the themes or tone you're planning on. Like you mentioned Spidey and Street Level so is it primarily Street Level and Light Hearted? I tend to write try hard "gritty" "dark" characters in superhero RPs. I'm thinking of trying Captain A, Wolverine, or an alt version of Bushwacker...but they're all kind of dark and the last is bordering on a villain. Like from a range of Daredevil to Sentry to Puck, street level to Superman level to goofy. [/quote] All tones and themes are welcome. I'll be telling a street-level story and using arcs from my Spider-Man and the gang war in NYC as backdrops for GM events. That doesn't mean, though, that I'll only have the events focus on street-level. They will be focused on American cities and potentially cosmic should we have enough space heroes, however, so places like NYC will be hubs. Think of the stories told in this roleplay as similar to those told in comics. Some titles are more serious than others. They have a wide range of genres. Whatever tone you wish to write in is acceptable unless, of course, that tone is lambasting the game or its members. I will say, though, any concepts bordering on villainous are likely to be denied. This is a hero or vigilante only game. That being said, dark is fine. Just don't break any of the Guild rules and keep things from being edgy for shock value. And when you interact and collaborate with others, either on your own or through GM events, be prepared to adjust your tone to fit the current arc if necessary. Even Wolverine isn't a brutal gore machine 100% of the time in all titles.