[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6qWm7nF.png[/img] [h2][center][color=EEC041]Good Afternoon Sorian! It's now 12pm. [/color][/center][/h2] [h3][color=EEC041]Time:[/color] Afternoon - 12 pm [color=EEC041]Location: [/color]Sorian[/h3] [color=EEC041]Mentions:[/color] [@Helo] Leo & Callum [@Tae] Thea, Saiya, Mina [@ReusableSword] Roman [@Rodiak] Nahir, Matthias, Zarai [@JJ Doe] Ryn & Riona [@Aerandir] Verrick [@Conscripts] John [@Infinite Cosmos] Munir [@Potter] Sadie & Persephone [@13org] Mayet [@Heartfillia] Crystal [@samreaper] Kazumin [@Silverpaw] Wulfric [@Inertia] Auguste [@mantou] Wystan [@Terrance420] Alden [@Lava Alckon] Farim [@PapaOso] Cassius [@Prosaic] Devan & Kieran [@Apex Sunburn] Wasun [@Ojo Chan 42] Yosri [img]https://i.imgur.com/emmZpAO.png[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=EEC041]11 am Events [b]Status[/b][/color][/h1][/center] [color=gray] [b][color=EEC041]-[/color] The Execution of Cameron Nesworth at the Athletic Arena. [/b] [sub]This will come to a [color=red]CLOSE[/color] now. Please leave this event.[/sub] [b][color=EEC041]-[/color] "The Pathetic Duke and His Rat" is NO LONGER showing at the Edin Theater.[/b] [b][color=EEC041]-[/color] Festival at the Park [/b] [sub]The festival [color=red]continues[/color] all day into the night![/sub] [b][color=EEC041]-[/color] The Prince's Court[/b] [sub]This event is [color=red]continuing[/color] on until all conversations have ceased.[/sub] [b][color=EEC041]-[/color] Hunting in the Forest[/b] [sub]This event can continue on if wanted, but it is recommended that the characters report their hunts to Hannah and [color=red]the event comes to a close soon.[/color][/sub] [/color] [center][h1][color=EEC041]12 pm Events [b]Beginning[/b][/color][/h1][/center] [color=gray] [b][color=EEC041]-[/color] Kazumin is expected to appear at the Damien household. [/b] [sub]Please keep Calbert's offspring away for the time being [/sub] [b][color=EEC041]-[/color] The Bazaar stalls are opening with food, jewelry and other items to purchase[/b] [b][color=EEC041]-[/color] Swimming at lover's lake[/b] [sub]Life protectors(lifeguards) are available all afternoon to watch over swimmers as swimming is now permitted in Lover's Lake![/sub] [b][color=EEC041]-[/color] Painting at the Museum[/b] [sub]Come learn to paint abstract art![/sub] [b][color=EEC041]-[/color] Bull Riding at the Athletic Arena[/b] [sub]As the execution finished and staff began to clean up the mess left behind, preparations for the next event have been put into action. [color=red]A bull-riding event will begin at 12:15pm.[/color][/sub] [/color]