[b][h2][color=889194]Captain Argus Fellborn[/color][/h2][/b] [color=889194]"The Violet Witch herself, you say? All the cutting words in all the languages of the world cannot sink the flattery, nay, the honor of being returned to undeath by her grace,[/color]" he assessed, as he looked down upon the vial she had given him. The state of the world, as described by the maid, was a sad thing. This pitiful, broken world was not a place for a pirate. There would be no great trade and treasure fleets to plunder. There would be no infrastructure through which to carry myths of ghost ships far and wide. And even if there were, would such tales frighten someone who grew up in such a dark, broken world? And just how strong would they be? Had this dark new world made humans tougher and more resilient, or were they broken and struggling to survive on the scraps of the old world's rotting carcass? Whatever the state, the tenets of Ichor would guide him. Despite what this maid was suggesting, Captain Fellborn took Ichor's commandments quite seriously in his career as a pirate. [color=889194]"Aye, I accept your terms. Obtain the god-slaying blade, deliver it to you, and be discreet."[/color] Argus spoke, before taking the vial and imbibing the blood. He needed his strength back, and he needed his thirst slaked. [color=889194]"Lead the way, lass, but first...do you truly believe my brethren may get in the way?"[/color] [@Rune_Alchemist]